A Few Tips When Going To Court For Child Custody In Gilbertsville, PA
For matters concerning child custody in Gilbertsville, PA, you should see an attorney with experience practicing those cases that are similar to yours...
For matters concerning
child custody in Gilbertsville,
PA, you should see an attorney with experience practicing those cases that are similar to yours.
Child custody in Gilbertsville, PA can get complicated. It is best to hire an attorney with the appropriate experience to help you. For the most favorable outcome in child custody hearings, remember the following tips as you go through the process.
Be present at all events that your child is involved in. These do not only include soccer games and other sporting events, but also are meant to include doctors’ appointments, PTA meetings, and so forth. Your attendance at these meetings and events will show the judge that you are willing and able to be an involved parent and care, first and foremost, for the wellbeing of your child. If you have sole physical or legal custody of the child, make sure that you are telling the other parent about these events, and are keeping track of when and how you informed the other parent of these events.
If the court has issued a protective order against you, do not break the protective order under any circumstances. If the protective order has been issued against your spouse, keep careful and detailed documentation of any events wherein your former spouse violated the order. Also be sure that your child’s care providers at school or day care are aware of the protective order. You may even want to provide them with a copy of it so that they are aware and can document any violations as well.
The final tip is to remember that the judge in your case regarding
child custody in Gilbertsville, PA will likely not look upon you favorably, if you are constantly fighting with your former spouse in court. The judge should have your child’s best interest in mind when he or she makes his ultimate decision, and may not feel it is in the child’s best interest to award favorable custody arrangements to a parent who is constantly fighting with the former spouse. Therefore, in court, it is wise to do as the old adage states: if you cannot say something nice, do not say anything at all. If all you want to do is fight and argue with your former spouse, leave it outside of the courtroom. This is not the time to hash out your grievances with your former spouse.