A Slip and Fall Lawyer: Do You Need One?
If you’ve been in an accident and are looking to hold the location’s owners to the law in penalty for their negligence, you may need to hire a slip and fall lawyer to make sure you get the very best case that is possible.
If you’ve been in an accident and are looking to hold the location’s owners responsible for their negligence,

you may need to hire a slip and fall lawyer to make sure you get the very best representation possible. Depending on the circumstances of the case, you may find that you can take your personal injury case to small claims court. While you won’t be able to have your attorney stand up and argue the case for you in such a situation, you can still benefit from their expertise and advice. If the case goes before a larger court, you will definitely want a qualified and experienced attorney by your side.
Some people are under the mistaken assumption that personal injury cases of this kind are easy to win. With visions of hot McDonald’s coffee in their heads, Americans got the idea that you can sue for any reason and come out the other side with millions of dollars. While this type of aberrant judgment comes down every so often, you have to understand that thousands of such cases are tried each year, and many of them are simply thrown out of court before they ever get to a jury. Many others are decided in favor of the defendant.
If you have a legitimate case and are looking for damages, you can’t afford to go into court without a good slip and fall lawyer. Although your case may seem straightforward to you, attempting to represent yourself in order to save money is very unwise. A trained legal practitioner has knowledge that the layperson doesn't, as well as the wherewithal to make sure certain statutes are followed and important documentation filed on time. Additionally, you may end up doing irreparable damage to your case and even losing more in your rightfully-deserved damages than what you would have spent on a trained attorney.
One good thing about hiring a slip and fall lawyer is that many of them work on a contingency basis. That means they don’t take a dime of expenses out of pocket. Their fee comes out of the settlement. Not only does that ensure they will work harder for your case, it means you don’t have to worry about spending a fortune and risk losing it all if the jury doesn’t come back in your favor (or if a settlement is not achieved). On the other hand, it means these attorneys are very choosy about which cases to take. Because their livelihood depends on winning cases, they tend to take on only those cases they believe they can win. If you don’t have a solid case, you may find it difficult to find good representation.
Keep in mind that many personal injury cases are settled out of court. While you want a slip and fall lawyer that can take your case to trial if need be, you might also want to find one who has a proven track record in negotiating settlements. This can save you a lot of time and frustration, and can usually give you what you want out of a case.