Unfortunately, age discrimination is still a pervasive problem in the workplace. If you have faced discrimination based on age, contact a Los Angeles age discrimination lawyer at Bononi Law Group, LLP toll-free at 800-641-5548.
New Law Prohibits Genetic Discrimination in Health Care and Employment
Genetic discrimination is the latest form of discrimination to be found in the workplace. Fortunately, a new law has been passed to discourage and prohibit genetic discrimination at work. If you have faced discrimination based on genetic reasons, contact a Los Angeles discrimination lawyer at Bononi Law Group, LLP toll-free at 800-641-5548.Gender Wage Disparity Persists
Even though gender discrimination in the workplace has improved drastically over the years, women workers still face unfair wage gaps and lesser odds of obtaining a management or executive position. If you have faced discrimination based on gender, contact a Los Angeles gender discrimination lawyer at Bononi Law Group, LLP toll-free at 800-641-5548.Female CA Janitorial Workers Obtain $5.8M Sexual Harassment Settlement
In California, female workers at ABM Industries were subjected to sexual harassment and assault at their workplace, and are now going to trial to receive compensation for the wrongful actions of their male coworkers. If you have faced sexual harassment in your workplace, contact a Los Angeles employment lawyer at Bononi Law Group, LLP toll-free at 800-641-5548.