Bail Bonds - How To Find The Right One
When you are looking to obtain a bail bond there are few things that you need to have handy. The agent will require a few bits of information in order to verify with the jail how much the bond is and what is accepted.
Waking up in jail is not on most people's to do list. Getting out of jail when you have been arrested is not as easy as it may seem especially when you don't have a lot of cash lying around. Bail bonds are a way for you to get back home and on with your life after you've been arrested but are still awaiting trial. Who will qualify for assistance will vary depending on a lot of different things. So what should you know in case you are ever faced with this dilemma?
First off bail bonds are not for everyone. There are actually some areas that do not allow what is known as a private bail to be posted. These areas include: Washington,

D.C., Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Kentucky, Maine, Philadelphia, Illinois, Nebraska, and Oregon. For these areas you should speak with your attorney or the court clerk to determine what can be done in the event if you do not have enough cash handy to make the payment.
In order to secure a bail bond there are a few things you need to have handy prior to speaking with the agent. For starters you should have the full name of the accused. This will tell the agent who is in need of assistance. If you have their booking number available it will make it much easier when agent contacts the jail for further information. This is not a necessity in order to get the agent working on the contract but it does make it go much smoother. While ultimately the agent will need the booking number, he can obtain that information from the jail upon contacting them.
You also need to give the agent the city, state, and full name of the jail where the person is being held. The agent cannot contact the jail for further information if he does not know where to call. In order for the contract to be valid the agent has to verify a few items which means they will have to speak with the jail in order to have this information verified.
Another piece of information that is nice to have handy is the amount of the bail. The bail bond will be written for the amount and you will pay a certain percentage up front before it is issued. If you're uncertain or simply do not know how much it is, the agent can verify this information once he contacts the jail. This is one of the pieces of information that must be verified before the contract can be put in place.
Bail bonds are not for everybody. If you live in a certain area that does not allow them you'll have to find other means to secure your release. If you do not have the amount due to the agent often times there is some way to work this out. You'll need to speak with your agent to determine if property can be offered as collateral in the event that you do not have the funds available.