Civil Litigation Compensation
The most common areas of civil litigation include accidental or blatant liability for injury, death, or negligence of a person or property; private or business contract infractions; as well as all areas of estate planning and protection with wills, trusts, and property distribution. Civil litigation is designed to protect the legal rights and property of victims in all private matters that may are may not connect to a previous or ongoing criminal litigation case. Civil law is available for those who can provide proof of ownership, right, or loss that is substantial to their livelihood or well being and seek legal retribution for those wronged them.
Civil litigation can only rightfully begin with how civil law protects private individuals and organization from the many forms of financial disputes. Civil law is used to detract from any ideas or actions of revenge in order to outline and rectify the legal rights of the individual who believes he or she has been injured,

or experienced the forceful absence of rights or their property is being withheld. This area of law focuses on victim compensation and the settlement of private disputes. Unlike criminal law, the wrong party is only penalized financially.
The most common areas of civil litigation include accidental or blatant liability for injury, death, or negligence of a person or property; private or business contract infractions; as well as all areas of estate planning and protection with wills, trusts, and property distribution. To focus on individual disputes, civil litigation helps injured or wronged parties make productive use of judicial processes by forcing the individual with whom you have a dispute into a legal obligation to acknowledge your contracts, injuries and rights with payment o f pre-established amount by the individual or court parameters.
Examples of civil disputes include but are not limited to construction contracts in the form of dissatisfying work, refusal to complete services, or refusal of payment; an automobile accident where fault has been found with one party therefore compensation is sought for the injured in damages or loss, if anyone passed away as a result of the negligence or accident as it is deemed by the judge; or, under probate law, estate concerns involving the dispute of a will’s contents as it pertains to the distribution of the departed’s accounts or physical property (jewelry, vehicles, or real estate).
Civil litigation settles both documented and undocumented agreements. In cases of documented agreements, as stated in the above examples, the transference of payment for services, assets, or a public physical altercation as with a car accident are all documented. In the case of the contractor reneging on services or a customer reneging on payment, the invoice can provide the settlement in that case. in the matter of the contested estate, the will, trusts and deeds act as forms of proof of ownership and predetermined transfer of ownership. However, once contested additional documentation will be required to provide legitimacy of the will or instructional letter for all beneficiaries. Further, in instances of car accidents, witnesses in either car, other drivers near them on the road and an official police report provide verbal accounts of any wrong doing or negligent actions.
Civil litigation is designed to protect the legal rights and property of victims in all private matters that may are may not connect to a previous or ongoing criminal litigation case. Civil law is available for those who can provide proof of ownership, right, or loss that is substantial to their livelihood or well being and seek legal retribution for those wronged them.