Common Mistakes People Make When Filing Injury Claims

Oct 11


Allan Jones Gregory

Allan Jones Gregory

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Accidents can alter your life, but improperly filing your injury claim can compound the pain and suffering. If you would like to know the common mistakes people make when filing injury claims read the article below.


Accidents happen unexpectedly and it’s not always easy to know what steps to take in the moment. You may be in a state of shock when dealing with your injuries and unsure of how you’ll recover compensation from the liable party. When filing an injury claim,Common Mistakes People Make When Filing Injury Claims Articles you must remain aware of your actions, because if you make mistakes, you could lose the settlement you deserve.

Kooi Law is experienced in personal injury litigation and knows that many injury victims have never taken legal action before, so mistakes can happen. If you contact an Indianapolis personal injury lawyer from their team as soon as your accident occurs, you can set yourself up for success. Some of the most common mistakes people make when filing injury claims are easily avoidable.

Not Calling the Police

Although it seems obvious, many injury victims don’t call the police after getting into an accident because they don’t believe their injuries are severe enough. It’s essential to call the police and seek medical attention after an accident if you hope to receive compensation for your claim.

Even if you don’t think your injuries are severe, obtaining medical documentation of your accident can be helpful because you may experience delayed symptoms. If you experience delayed symptoms, you can go back to the same doctor. Your initial appointment will show the judge and jury that the accident directly caused your injury.

Poor Documentation 

If you’re filing an injury claim, you must keep records of all relevant information leading up to your lawsuit. Even if you don’t think a document is relevant, you should keep it just in case. Documentation may include the police report, photographs, receipts, medical records, witness testimonies, social media posts, and call records. Any evidence you have to support your claim is beneficial. 

Sharing Details About Your Case


After your accident occurs, you’ll likely want to discuss the event with close friends and family. But, sharing too many details about your case while an investigation is ongoing can cause more harm than good. You should keep the details of the case to yourself until your lawsuit has been filed and you’ve won a fair settlement. If your share too much, you can jeopardize your earnings and your future.


Posting About Your Case on Social Media


Social media can be harmful to a case in many ways. You may resort to social media to share photographs of your accident, opinions about the negligent party, or updates about your recovery, but you must realize that any information shared on the internet is accessible to everyone else involved in the legal process, whether that be the defendant, judge, or jury. 


What you think is an innocent photo can weaken your argument in court and decrease the settlement you receive. It’s best to stay off social media completely until your case is resolved so the jury and the defendant have no way to use your online presence against you. 

Accepting the First Offer from the Insurance Company

When you get injured in an accident, your insurance company will likely contact you and discuss a settlement. They may offer to pay for your medical expenses and lost wages after your accident. Many injured victims make the mistake of accepting the initial offer because they want to receive money quickly and put the accident behind them. 

Many insurance companies won’t offer the full amount you deserve for your damages, so it’s important to remain patient after your accident and calculate the true value of your damages. You deserve full compensation for what you’ve been through, and if your insurance company refuses to offer that amount, a lawsuit may be necessary.

In a lawsuit, you can recover both economic and non-economic damages from the liable party, which can maximize your settlement.

Signing Away Your Right to Sue


When pursuing a lawsuit, make sure you read every document you sign. If your insurance company offers you a settlement, or the defendant comes forward with documents and asks you to sign, always read the fine print carefully and speak to an attorney before putting your signature down. If you’re not careful, you could accidentally sign away your right to sue. 


Wording on legal and insurance documents is tricky. You may think you’re agreeing to one thing, but in reality, you’re agreeing to something else. If you accidentally sign away your right to sue, there’s no way to go back and win a settlement. This is a mistake you won’t want to make.

Waiting to Seek Legal Representation


Many accident victims wait to seek legal representation because they don’t think a lawyer is necessary and they want to save money. Waiting to hire a lawyer can negatively affect your case. If you make mistakes on the front end and your attorney has to fix them on the back end, there may not be time to correct everything. 


Calling an experienced lawyer as soon as possible can increase your chances of winning the maximum settlement because you’ll be supported as soon as your accident occurs. Your attorney can make sure no mistakes are made and they’ll use evidence to negotiate on your behalf.

An Indianapolis Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

To avoid the common mistakes people make when filing injury claims, you can hire an experienced attorney to guide you through the legal process. It’s understandable to need guidance when taking legal action if you’ve never done it before. Lawyers are trained to file claims for a living.

You shouldn’t feel ashamed to trust someone else with the legal aspects of your accident. Having someone by your side to fight for the maximum settlement and get the most out of your claim can make you feel confident in your pursuit for justice and closure.

If you live in the Indianapolis area, do the necessary research and find an attorney you can trust. You deserve to feel confidence and clarity when moving forward.