Criminal Defense Attorney: The Answers You Need
If you are in a position where you think you may need a criminal defense attorney, it is critical that you get your hands on as much relevant information as possible. You could be facing serious penalties.
If you're in a position where you think you may need a criminal defense attorney,

it is critical that you get your hands on as much relevant information as possible. You could be facing serious penalties should you be convicted of the crime you are being charged with. While those in power (and even those on the other side of the courtroom) don't like to talk about it, over 80% of charges brought before a jury result in convictions. This number goes up depending on a number of circumstances, including your race and gender. Don't risk your freedom on ignorance. Here are some things you need to know.
What do I do if I can't afford a lawyer?
Defendants are entitled to a criminal defense attorney, regardless of their ability to pay. The judge will make a determination based on the defendant's income and will appoint a lawyer for those who can't afford one on their own. Depending on how much money you have, this lawyer may work for free or for a reduced fee. In most districts, this will mean getting representation from the public defender's office. When there is none, or when the PD is swamped with too many cases, the judge may appoint a private lawyer to work for free or for less than his usual asking price.
How much will a criminal defense attorney cost?
Before you can decide whether or not to hire someone, you will probably want to know how much it will cost. If you hire a private lawyer, it's going to be somewhat expensive. But it's impossible to give a set rate. Lawyers are free to charge whatever they like and those rates may range from hundreds to millions. The status of the lawyer, the complexity of the case, and where you live will all play a role in determining how much you can expect to pay for representation.
Should I represent myself instead?
If you are going before the judge on a minor infraction unlikely to result in anything more than a warning or a ticket, then you're probably wasting your money (and potentially irritating the court) by hiring a criminal defense attorney. But if you are facing a serious charge that could carry substantial financial penalties or prison time, then you are probably making a big mistake by trying to represent yourself. Even accepting the assistance of the public defender would be better than taking a chance on your own meager knowledge of the legal system.