Three Myths About a Criminal Defense Attorney
The purpose of this article is to discuss myths people might associate with a criminal defense attorney.
Are you considering going before a judge without a legal representative because you feel that your chances are better if you go it alone? Do you have negative preconceived ideas about criminal defense lawyers? If you do,

then you may be have been affected by someone who has either had a negative experience or simply provided you with misinformation, the results of which can be negatively impactful on your criminal case particularly if you are thinking of not pursuing legal aid to help with your defense.
It is the goal of this article to discuss three myths about criminal defense attorneys in an effort to deter the consequence of not having proper legal representation in a criminal case.
The first myth about criminal defense attorneys is that they are just as effective as public defenders. Ask anyone who has had a public defender and someone who has paid for a criminal defense and you will be able to find out the truth quickly. While some public defenders may care about their cases, many don't and that is why if you are dealing with a criminal offense, you should seriously consider a strong defense, which should include proper legal representation.
Another myth about criminal defense attorneys is that all lawyers can handle criminal defense cases. This myth couldn't be further from the truth. Not only does it not make any sense whatsoever to have a family lawyer handle your criminal case, but the fact of the matter is that any reputable lawyer wouldn't take on a case that is outside his/her realm of expertise.
The final myth about criminal defense attorneys is that they will automatically have your record expunged, if applicable. Again, not true. Having your criminal record expunged is a completely different process by itself and once your criminal defense lawyer has concluded your case, it is then your responsibility to inquire about record expunging. Besides, not all criminal defense lawyers have experience with the process of record expunging; as a result you very well may have to seek out additional legal aid for that.
Whether you have been discouraged from pursuing a legal representative due to prior negative experiences had by someone you know or you lack faith in their abilities due to misinformation you have come across, there is a strong possibility that you are indeed misguided by falsehoods.
Often characterized by a litany of myths based on the rarity of extreme outliers of cases, criminal defense lawyers are often misjudged regarding their capabilities. This can be particularly negatively impactful on someone who in fact needs proper legal representation for their criminal defense case. Specifically, there are at least three myths that can be debunked with respect to criminal defense attorneys, they include; they are just as effective as public defenders, all lawyers can handle criminal defense cases and they will automatically have your record expunged, if applicable.