Disability Discrimination and the Workplace

Sep 27


Antoinette Ayana

Antoinette Ayana

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Disability discrimination can be especially difficult to deal with in the workplace. Here is a quick look at how to respond when you find yourself in this type of situation.

Sometimes it is difficult to know when you have been discriminated against,Disability Discrimination and the Workplace Articles and other times it is blatant and glaring. Disability discrimination is a real problem, and you need to know that you do have rights that are worth protecting. So what exactly does this type of violation look like, and how can you combat it?

Disability discrimination occurs when you are treated differently, or less favorably, than other employees because of your health. It is also manifested when you are treated unfairly because of temporary physical and/or mental impairment. Sometimes this treatment is subtle and it may be difficult to determine if you just perceive the mistreatment or if it is really happening. If you believe that you are being harassed or treated differently than other employees, it is important to take action in a timely manner.

Keeping records is an important part of making a valid case. Document instances where you felt you were treated unfairly. Keep emails and voicemails where you may have been teased or harassed and note dates or times when untoward comments have been made. Proper documentation does a lot to help determine if there is actually unfair treatment or if you may be overly sensitive.

Sometimes people with a disadvantage are accused of being too sensitive. If you are disabled, it is important not to assume you are being discriminated against just because someone treats you unkindly. It is important to remain rational in your responses, as it is easy to be reactionary or easily inflamed by other's reactions to you.

The best way to fight a case of disability discrimination is to contact a lawyer that specializes in these types of cases. A disability discrimination lawyer is typically well-versed in manners of law pertaining to disabled citizens and how they should be treated. It is always a good idea to at least schedule a consultation with an attorney and get some direction on how you should proceed with your case.

You may be a little hesitant to do anything about the disability discrimination that you have experienced. Keep in mind that if you wait too long to act, you may lose out on the ability to fight for your rights. Consult with an attorney about the statute of limitations and how it applies to your specific situation. If you choose to proceed with a case, you will need to do so within this timeframe.

Being discriminated against does not feel good, but speaking out and acting to right the wrong will go a long way in raising awareness and putting a stop to this practice in the workplace and beyond.

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