Dissolving your Marriage? Call a Divorce Lawyer Before Things Get Ugly
Contacting a divorce lawyer may be the best way to protect your custody rights and your assets. While not a pleasant experience, an attorney can help you through this process and make it much easier than going it alone.
Getting divorced is a stressful and difficult process. If children are involved,

things can get even more frustrating and emotional. When you are dividing up an estate and making decisions about the future, it is important to contact a divorce lawyer. This type of attorney can guide you through the process of dissolving your marriage and can fight for your rights as a parent and as a property owner.
The United States, as a whole, grants divorces based on a no-fault system. In other words, there does not have to be specific grounds for terminating the marriage. Prior to the no-fault system, one of the parties would have had to be found guilty of adultery, abuse, or desertion (abandonment) or some other negligence in order to for the marriage to be dissolved. Now, couples can cite "irreconcilable differences" and neither party has to be "at fault."
Sometimes, divorcing your spouse is not a long, drawn out procedure. However, when child custody is at stake, negotiations and conversations can get ugly quickly. A divorce lawyer can help you through the mediation process, file appropriate paperwork and represent you should you have to go to court. Having an attorney at your side can be comforting as lawyers have an extensive knowledge of the law and how they affect you and your family.
If there is property or other assets that need to be divided, your divorce lawyer can help you through this process as well. Since your attorney works on your behalf, he will work to see that the case is handled with your best interests in mind. He can also help you as you make the transition from a married person to a single person, as many factors go into this transition.
A divorce lawyer is not a requirement when going through this situation. You do have the legal right to represent yourself. However, unless you have extensive knowledge of the laws of your state, it is likely that hiring an attorney will benefit you immensely. If you cannot afford an attorney, there may be some law offices that take cases on a pro bono basis. It does not hurt to call around and see if any of the lawyers in your area offer this service.
Getting divorced is obviously the worst-case scenario when it comes to solving marital problems. Unfortunately, many people find themselves with only this option remaining. If you are in this situation, make the call today to get the help you need. This is the time in your life that you need help, so do not hesitate to ask for it.