Divorce Attorney Marketing Strategy
As a divorce attorney, it could be important for you to be able to pursue a holistic approach to gaining new clients. For this, a marketing strategy that allows for you to start small and grow can be very important.
You may have thought that learning the law in order to effectively practice as a divorce attorney was the most difficult part of a practice as a family lawyer. This could be true,

but you may find that getting clients can be complicated if you do not pursue an optimal marketing strategy. The good news is that economic success should not be as hard as passing the bar exam or even law school. The bad news is that you will probably have to start small and then grow.
Starting small is probably the key to success for a lot of lawyers who are just beginning to practice law as a divorce attorney. You may be able to get off to a fast start through referrals of friends and colleagues, but it is probably unrealistic to think that that will continue to supply you with enough work to keep you fully busy. This means that you will likely have to advertise your firm in order to increase and supplement the number of clients that you would otherwise get.
To advertise as a divorce attorney, you may find yourself facing a number of challenges. One is that you may find that there is a stigma around this type of practice, and that being explicit about your practice areas may be awkward. This means that it may be better to allow clients to come to you in the form of boosting your web presence. For the time being, many law firms do not have insurmountable websites. In other words, with persistence, it should be possible for you to be able to obtain one of the top slots in your locality on the internet. (Remember, search engines are not able to understand how graphically sophisticated you site is, and so it is not always advisable to spend all of your resources to develop something that is aesthetically pleasing at the expense of decreasing your search volume).
A totally different approach could be to get on a referral service. For instance, in New Orleans, there is an association for lawyers that will refer cases, if the lawyers have joined the association and satisfied the conditions of being able to be referred legal work. There are drawbacks and limitations from getting work this way, but the positives might outweigh the benefits. If it is possible for you to join an association similar to this one in your local area, it is probably something that you should look into when just beginning to practice as a solo divorce attorney.
After you have a solid footing --have established yourself better and your business has stabilized -- you probably should begin to look into whether you are able to try to either expand your practice areas from just family law or you could begin to consider diversifying and expanding the geographical area that you firm services.
The above material is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended as professional legal advice and should not be construed as such. Will Beaumont practices law in New Orleans, LA, and Metairie, LA.