Divorce Lawyer Websites for Beginners
For a divorce lawyer, having a web presence is practically a requisite. Most family attorneys know little about web design and are reluctant to pay companies thousands of dollars to develop their web pages. Here are some things to look for in low-cost website templates available.
It is becoming increasingly important for a divorce lawyer to have a website. There are a number of family attorneys who are basing almost all of their marketing efforts on internet advertising because of the huge number of people searching for legal assistance through the web. Even for old-fashioned word of mouth advertising,
having a decent website allows potential clients the ability to evaluate you easily. Your web design and content will likely take you multiple versions to produce, but here are some ways to begin.
Many new attorneys often can find templates of websites on the internet that are not very expensive. These templates are typically built around a blog-type framework, meaning that they are designed to be continuously updated. This is great because it allows you to update the site at your convenience and at no cost to you. Additionally, these sites are often fairly simple to manipulate and do not normally require an in-depth knowledge of coding.
Determining an overall design is going to be crucial to making the site user-friendly and search-friendly. A divorce lawyer generally needs to have a horizontal menu bar at the top of the site in order to provide a visitor with general information about your firm. The links that placed in here are, at their most basic, links to your homepage, your firm profile, the attorneys at your firm, and a contact page. The site should also have a vertical menu bar in order that you can list the subcategories of family law that you cover.
Stylistically, you should look for templates with a couple of design elements that are important for a divorce lawyer. The design should allow you to put your telephone number in large font next to where your logo and firm name is. Also, though these sites are normally based on a blog framework, it is much better if the homepage does not resemble that of a blog. In other words, having static content presents a much more stable image when delivering professional services. You also will likely want a site that allows you to put a text box at the bottom of all of the pages so that you can write a small legal disclaimer pursuant to the local ethical rules in your area.
While having all of this may sound like a major challenge, you should be able to find a template that meets at least some of these characteristics. There are a number of businesses that are good about altering these platforms to meet your individual specifications. In developing your presence on the internet, remember that design is not everything. Often, the content is the most important, as your clients want to know from you, the divorce lawyer, a lot of information about how they can be helped. A poorly designed webpage can still be a huge success if it is able to provide a lot of good content to people going through a family law issue and help them resolve their issues, in addition to providing information about your firm.
The above material is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended as professional legal advice and should not be construed as such. Attorney William H. Beaumont practices in New Orleans, La.