Do I Need a Business Lawyer?
If you own a company, chances are good that you will need a business lawyer at some point during the lifespan of the company. Planning ahead will allow for the legal assistance to be at the ready when the need arises.
As an entrepreneur,

you have many decisions to make regarding the health of your company. One of the choices you will have to make at some point is whether or not you need a business lawyer. While not every difficult situation that your company faces will call for the use of an attorney, there are instances where you will need to seek legal aid or advice. A business lawyer is someone who has a good general knowledge of the law, yet specializes in areas (such as those below) where businesses tend to need legal assistance. While not an extensive list, these areas will give you a general idea of the kind of situations that might call for the help of an attorney.
Businesses are frequently at risk for accusations from current and former employees. Someone who believes they have been discriminated against or harassed by your company may file a lawsuit against you as an individual or against your company as a corporation. In either instance, a business lawyer can help you navigate through this difficult situation.
Another area where you may find yourself needing a business lawyer is if you have been accused of breaking the law or committing some other ethical violation. If these sorts of accusations are levied against your company, you have the right to contact your attorney before and during any conversations with law enforcement. Even if you are completely innocent, your attorney can negotiate with those in law enforcement and work to have your name cleared if you were unjustly accused.
An additional circumstance where you may need this type of attorney is when a consumer who has used one of your products is suing you or your company. Emotions run high in such cases, and it is important to have a representative that can remain level headed. Additionally, having legal counsel in your corner goes a long way to relieving stress. Your legal counsel will know what steps to take to minimize damage and correct the situation.
Dealing with matters of law is not typically the easiest part of owning your own company. However, with effective help, these types of issues do not have to be a hindrance to the day-to-day operations. It is important to note that securing legal counsel before any problems arise is a wise idea. While attorney's fees can be high, you cannot really put a price on the peace of mind that you will have when you know you have help that is a phone call away. Securing your attorney before a problem arises ensures that he will be ready to help you when that first problem rears its ugly head.