Drug Defense Lawyer for Marijuana DUI
A drug defense lawyer will be able to help in a case involving operating a vehicle while under the influence of marijuana.
With increased leniency for minor possession of some narcotics a lot of people think that it is okay to consume substances and then operate a motor vehicle. The fact is that it is completely illegal to be under the influence of any substance while driving. Increasingly people are discovering that they do not need to be drunk to get charged with DUI. Across the nation people are being arrested and charged with unsafe operation of a vehicle after consumption of marijuana. In times like this a typical attorney is not sufficient. This is when you need to call a drug defense lawyer to come and fight the case. This is an incredibly intricate type of law that demands experience and finesse to make it through with minimal repercussions. It is not an indefensible problem; but it just may be trickier than a simple charge of DUI.
First of all,

a drug defense lawyer wants you to know a few things. For one thing, because it is illegal to consume marijuana there is not a legal benchmark that states how much can be in a person's system when they operate a car. That means that the urine test or blood test that was administered to determine that they have been using is not really indicative of being impaired. Additionally, unlike alcohol, THC, the active chemical in marijuana, remains in the system for up to two months. Meanwhile, the effects only last a few hours. That means that testing positive does not necessarily mean the driver was intoxicated while driving or even earlier that day. In fact, even the National Highway Transportation Safety Authority, or NHTSA, has questioned the validity of urine tests as an accurate measurement of potential impairment.
Even if the police will not drop the charge when faced with the fact that their evidence is not very sound they may use witnesses or experts to fight their case. They will claim to have smelled marijuana or that the accused looked stoned. These are not valid arguments to prove guilt. The prosecution may also tout an expert who claims to be well versed in impairment recognition. This is just a police officer that has had a class on what the effects of narcotics on the body are. A good drug defense lawyer will be able to refute all of their claims. Any number of different things could cause effects similar to having used illicit substances. With any skill, any possible testimony should be easily dismissed.
While it is not impossible to skirt the negative repercussions of a marijuana DUI charge, it is still a serious and troubling legal concern. That is why it is so important to hire a drug defense lawyer who has dealt with cases like this before and will know just what to do to ensure that justice is served. It is a very specific field of law and that is why a real expert is needed.