DUI Attorney: How to Avoid Need for One
Driving drunk is a bad move, one that may require a DUI attorney or worse. Here are some ways to avoid this situation.
A DUI attorney is a legal representative who defends individuals who've been driving while intoxicated. This can be as a result of getting behind the wheel after too much booze,

some types of prescription medicine or imbibing in illegal drugs. No matter what the cause, this is big trouble for all concerned. Getting arrested for this offense can have serious consequences including loss of drivers' license, stiff fines or time in jail. Any of these can domino into far worse scenarios such as getting fired from a job, degradation of relationships with family and friends who have had just about enough of your antics, or even loss of lives or physical harm to self and others. This is not a situation to come anywhere near or life will become very unpleasant for all concerned. Here are some ways to avoid this calamity:
First of all, it's important that you don't drink any amount of alcohol and climb behind the wheel. Stopping for a few beers, glasses of wine or cocktails with the buddies may seem harmless enough after a stressful week of work. Most people think they can handle their alcohol way better than they actually can. In fact, a few drinks may make a driver think they can do just about anything as the beverages are known for instilling false confidence. Even one cocktail can put a person over the legal limit and impair reaction time.
However, if you do want to drink, be sure to arrange for a designated driver. If a special event is coming up where there will definitely be some partying going on, there must be a designated driver in the crowd. If a social group likes to party together on a regular basis, the role of "sober friend" can be passed around so that everyone takes a turn as the designated transporter to keep all friends safe, sound and out of jail.
If you are on medication, be sure to intently read your prescription bottles' labels. If the doc has prescribed a medication for back pain or a bad case of nerves, the pill bottle will probably have a warning label on it saying "do not operate heavy machinery." A car is heavy machinery; heed the warning and avoid this criminal offense.
If a person just can't seem to control himself or herself around the temptations of booze or drugs, he or she needs to get some form of structured help. Not having control over a detrimental habit can spell disastrous consequences. Some individuals have an addictive bent towards alcoholic beverages; not getting it under control will lead to a downward spiral in all areas of life. This is nothing to be ashamed of; lots of individuals struggle with addictions related to gambling, food, sex, shopping, and more. Don't be ashamed, but do get some help. Being addicted to booze will lead to the jail cell or coffin eventually.
If a person does make the mistake of climbing behind the wheel while intoxicated, he or she will need to contact a savvy, experienced DUI attorney. There's no time to waste; having a seasoned legal professional on your side will help sort out the mess that's been made.