DUI Lawyer Advice: What To Do
If you think you may be at risk for being pulled over for a DUI, lawyer support can help you right away. Read on to learn how best to deal with a DUI as it happens.
You've probably found yourself in a situation where you've decided to drive home or drive others home after a night of drinking. Not all people who get into a situation where they are pulled over are drunk. It only takes a certain number of drinks to become intoxicated at a level where you would be considered over the limit. You may think you're okay,

but you may not be and your friends may not be able to clearly say for sure either.
Not everyone gets pulled over when they drive impaired either. You may have though back on situations and though you should have handled things differently. Not only should you think seriously about the bad decisions you've made, you should prepare in case you ever make a mistake and get caught. That is why it is important to know the name and number of a DUI lawyer you can call, just in case. You should also know your rights when law enforcement accuses you of driving while impaired.
Generally when people are pulled over and asked to take a breathalyzer test, they feel intimidated and scared by law enforcement. They may even speak as if you are required to take this test. If you find yourself in this position, you have the right to refuse. If you believe the results of that breathalyzer test may be incriminating, even in the slightest, you should not agree to take the test. Think back on what you had to drink that night. If you have had a couple of beers over a few hours, chances are you will not test positive for a high blood alcohol content level. If you finished out the night with hard liquor or a shot, there is a chance you might be, even if only by a small margin.
A DUI lawyer will tell you, if you truly believe that you can pass a breathalyzer test then you should agree to taking one. If there is any doubt, don't. Depending on the law enforcement you're working with, they may respect your decision and write you up a ticket for speeding if you were going to fast or other infraction that gave them reason to pull you over and you'll be on your way. If they truly believe you are driving drunk, for the safety of the city or town you're in, they may arrest you.
If you are arrested on a drunk driving charge, this is when it is helpful to have a DUI lawyer you've already identified to represent you for a speedy resolution to your charges. Whether you've spoken to someone or simply made a note of a reputable lawyer you've found, it can help you start to resolve the issue, help you make bail, and provide the best representation when your case goes to negotiations or the court. If you didn't take a breathalyzer test, there is less of a chance you will be found guilty.