DUI Lawyer Can Help Reduce Consequences Following An Arrest
Don’t admit defeat before speaking with legal counsel. A DUI lawyer can greatly soften the blow of any arrest and sentencing.
If you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence of an illegal substance,

you may think that there is no point in hiring a specialist DUI lawyer. Even if your case is nothing out of the ordinary, an expert attorney can make all the difference. Before you assume and accept the worse, it is important to seek professional legal representation. Many people are unaware of just how often cases can be dismissed, sentences lowered and charges greatly reduced simply by coming to court prepared. If the cost is your greatest concern, without a good attorney you may be paying double the fines and even lose your job. Cost isn’t always an immediately relevant factor.
There are several advantages to choosing a specialty lawyer over a general legal representative or one who spreads his or herself over multiple areas of the law. Many cases of driving over the limit can become routine, which makes it more difficult when there is the rare instance of charge contention. A DUI lawyer must carefully construct their argument and supply valid evidence to present to a judge in order to lower charges or have the case dismissed altogether. Examples of uncommon, but plausible reasons for compete dismissal of a case include failure of the police to inform the defendant of their rights, failure to offer alternative forms of blood alcohol tests, and administering the test too long after the initial arrest was made. Laws regarding these situations can vary from state to state, but they can all be potentially valid reasons for case dismissal, or in the very least, reduced charges and consequences. It would take a very skilled DUI lawyer with several years of experience to successfully defend their client in such a case.
Another advantage is even in the case of admission and proof of guilt, a DUI lawyer can help negotiate and will more often than not have penalties against the defendant lowered. In the most severe cases, the guilty party can face several years of imprisonment, fines costing thousands of dollars, suspension of their driver’s license, and even community service. These consequences can be further reaching and cost the defendant his or her job. Having the appropriate type of legal representation will not only help lighten the sentence that you will be facing, but can help you protect your current employment situation.
When choosing a DUI lawyer to defend you, it is important to ask them exactly how they plan on helping you to ensure you are getting the proper service. Some attorneys can be pushy and will treat your case as just another general client. Even if your situation is similar to many others, you should find a professional that takes the time to hear your story and treats you as an individual and not just a paycheck. Ask them questions about how they plan on handling your case, what you should expect from your hearing, and how many clients they regularly deal with. It is also important not to choose an attorney who isn’t too overloaded with work and can provide your case with the time and attention it deserves.