DWI Lawyer - Find Out Why an Extreme DWI Warrants a Good Attorney
Before you pay the price for getting an extreme DWI, consider whether you should hire an attorney. A reputable DWI lawyer may be able to at least reduce your penalties.
If you have been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol with an extreme blood alcohol level,

which is 0.15 or more, you need the help of a DWI lawyer. Of course, many people who barely get a 0.08 with a first charge of this type can also benefit from an attorney, but it is not nearly as recommended for them as it is for those with more serious charges. Since extreme DWIs are considered quite serious, you need to find out the typical penalties associated with this charge so you know just how crucial it is to get an attorney.
The penalties tend to vary by state, but the typical area requires some jail time for drivers with a blood alcohol level of 0.15 or more. In many cases, you can expect to serve about 30 days in jail. While first time offenders can often get out of jail time with some community service and a good record, extreme offenders are unlikely to get this chance, so expect to serve the entire sentence. If you want the best chance of avoiding this penalty, you may try to get the charge reduced or eliminated completely with the help of a good DWI lawyer.
Do not expect to drink much after the charges are made. Many judges order those with extreme DWIs to avoid alcohol for at least one month after the incident. They may uphold this requirement by outfitting you with a device that goes on your ankle, which can detect whether you have had a drink. You will also probably need to put an ignition interlock device in your car once you can start driving again, as this requires you to blow into it before it will start so it can ensure you have not been drinking. In addition, you might be subject to random tests that detect if you have had a drink lately.
Not surprisingly, this charge can be expensive. Expect to spend a few thousand dollars in court fines. In many cases, you will have to pay a range of fines to different government entities. For example, you may have to send money to the court itself, but then you must also pay for tools that include the interlock ignition device in your car, or the alcohol-monitoring ankle device. This may be a daily fee that you must pay to a particular agency. Of course, your license will be suspended for several months or even years, meaning you may not be able to get to work, especially if your state does not let you get a conditional license that would allow you to drive to your job. Then, if you hire a DWI lawyer, you will also have legal fees to pay, though this type of cost is usually worth it if you have a chance of reducing your penalties.
There are various penalties for this kind of charge, so it is worth it to find out what a DWI lawyer can do for you. If you have a chance of avoiding the consequences, it is usually worth your time to check out your options.