E-2 Investment Visa - An Opportunity for Investors to do Business in US
E-2 Investment Visas is like music to the ears of aspiring businessmen who wish to explore business opportunities within the US. The E-2 Investor visa does not require fixed and high investments from the applicants and gives the businessman an opportunity to reside within the country during the duration of his business.
The E-2 Investment Visa is the Government’s way of extending its arms in a friendly gesture to the foreign investors. Entrepreneurs with more than $200,000 are invited to invest in any form of business which holds the possibility to generate further revenue and employment opportunities is welcome to apply for the E-2 Investors visa. The visa grants the investor work and residence permits within the US. The visa is valid for a period of two years and can be renewed for any number of times. As long as the business venture generates the stipulated revenue and job opportunities for US residents,

the E-2 Investments visa can be easily renewed from an US embassy outside the country.
Many argue that the E-2 Investment visa does not allow for the same benefits as the EB5 Investors visa. It is to be noted that the E-2 Investor visa is a non-immigrant visa whereas the EB5 Investment visa is an immigrant visa, granting the right to apply for permanent residency and citizenship.
Advantages of the E-2 Investment Visa
The need for a permanent residence in the country of their business is not felt by all businessmen. A non-immigrant visa, like the E-2 Investor visa, gives a businessman a chance to explore a business opportunity in the US while retaining his original nationality.
Before you turn your back on the E-2 Investors visa run through the following advantages of the E-2 visa:
• The biggest and best advantage of the E-2 Investor visa is that there is no minimum investment amount required. An individual needs to have only that much amount which will assure the Government of establishing a successful business. The investment amount thus varies with or depends upon the nature of business.
• Residents from 75 countries who have signed a treaty with US can apply for this visa. Foreign investors from 75 countries can bring their investment to invest in existing or new commercial ventures in the country.
• The spouse and children of the E-2 visa holder get dependent visas.
• The spouse of the E-2 visa holder can apply for a work permits basis his or her E-2 dependent visa.
• Until they are 21, the children of the E-2 visa holder can apply and seek education in a school of their choice.
• As long as the investor holds a valid E-2 visa, he does need to be present in the country during the course of his business. He can stay outside the country for as long as he wants and re-enter the country.
• E-2 visas can be renewed for any number of times. There is no restriction on the number of times an E-2 visa holder may apply for renewals.
As long as the sponsoring business is generating employment opportunities and creating profits, the E-2 visa holder will always be welcome to the country. It is a great opportunity for foreign investors’ to begin with minimum investments and expands their business within the country. The E-2 Investment visa is also a great opportunity for skillful businessmen to buyout smaller businesses and converts them into flourishing commercial ventures.