Family Law: Seven Smart Divorce Tips
Planning to get a divorce? Read these 7 smart divorce tips before you hire a family law attorney. These tips will help you set sail for the solo voyage ahead.
Is your marriage heading south? If you don't take the proper precautions,
you could be swept into a lengthy court battle and end up losing a bundle. Check out these seven tips before you hire a family law attorney.
Pull Your Credit Report
Review your credit report so that you know what your liabilities and assets are before you begin negotiating. You should also request a copy of your credit report before filing for divorce. Check to see if your soon-to-be-ex is running up debt in your name before he sends you the papers.
Purchase Self-Help Books
Purchase some divorce self-help books. These books are usually written by financial professionals and attorneys who charge a lot of money for their time. Read the self-help books and follow their advice. For less than $20, you will get great advice when you need it the most!
See a Shrink
If you're upset about your divorce, you have to get rid of your emotions, whether through counseling or going to the health club. A licensed therapist can help you get through this difficult time!
Talk to Your Spouse
Talk to your soon-to-be-ex, especially if you have kids. Have a productive discussion with your spouse about child custody arrangements, child support obligations, parenting time schedules, and spousal maintenance. Try to arrive at an agreement on these issues. If you can settle these things in your living room, you will save time and money!
Be Your Own Private Investigator
If you think your soon-to-be-ex may be hiding assets from you, do your homework. Examine your tax returns, bank statements, and joint financial records and look for abnormalities. See if you can find records in the office wastebasket, on the desk, or in a day planner.
Sell the House if You Must
Don't keep the house if you can't afford it. Sell the house and move into an affordable apartment. Use the money to pay your bills. Many women try to keep the house at all costs. This is often a decision that makes poor financial sense and can lead to problems.
Don't Be a Penny Pincher
Don't hire a legal counselor who has no law school training or experience practicing family law. Choose an attorney who is board certified and experienced. A great family law attorney will make sure your rights are fully protected and the interests of your kids are fully addressed. Be aware that trying to do things too inexpensively will cost you more money in the long run!