Florida Public Records Now Searchable Online
In 1966, government-controlled files were fully and partially disclosed to the public through the Freedom of Information Act.
In 1966,

government-controlled files were fully and partially disclosed to the public through the Freedom of Information Act. In Florida, the people were given access to public records since 1909, due to the Florida Public Records Act. The Act is under Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes. Included in the Act are the rules and regulations, definition of terms, restrictions, general information on records access, examination, and duplication of files. The act states that the government has the responsibility to make county, state and municipal records available to the public. The records should be allowed to be inspected and copied by any individual, provided that all prerequisites are obliged to. Also, the records are to be encoded online but must contain the exactly the same contents of the original records. Confidential records are to remain confidential even if encoded online.Despite being defined as open to the public, some records have limitations as to who can access them and when they can be accessed depending on which state you are searching and in accordance to the appropriate state laws. Documents such as continuing criminal investigation, papers regarding administration of public offices, propositions proposals, and many others are part of documents that have restrictions.Public files are available at the appropriate government offices that are in-charge of them. There are different kinds of files that comprise public records. Photo Archives, Death Certificates, Social Security Statistics, Criminal files, Health Care Administration, Land Boundary Information System, Adoption papers, Vital Statistics which includes Birth, Death, Marriage, and Divorce files, and many more are considered as public files.Obtaining them from government offices is often lengthy and will be a disadvantage if you urgently need the records for legal purposes. This is where online record providers will come in handy. You can search for one over the Internet but you have to choose between free-of-charge and fee-based providers. Both have the capacity to provide public records but vary in the quality in terms of completeness and comprehensiveness. Fee-based providers utilize powerful databases that access both government and private resources so they can gather more data. Although they are technically free public records, fees are required for the process of retrieving them. Acquiring public documents from government agencies requires quite some time to process because it has to go through certain procedures. If you need the documents as soon as possible then this is not a wise move to make. You can get them online with the help of some professional record providers. You can opt to go with free-of-charge providers or the fee-based ones. Either way, you can get free public records. The difference between the two will come in the quality of the documents, basing on how they are organized, their completeness, and accuracy of the information. Going with fee-based sites is the wise thing to do. Utilizing a powerful database, they get information from both public and private resources. All records have corresponding fees. Fee-based sites offer a more understandable version of documents that an ordinary person can figure out.