Georgia Public Divorce Records
The Internet allows one to find divorce records anytime and anywhere. It is, by far, the most convenient method of searching for divorce files in the state of Georgia.
The state of Georgia is one of the states that have allowed its residents to access public documents. With the increasing number of divorce cases in the state of Georgia,

the government has mandated to have Georgia Public Divorce Records to be accessed by the general public. By making the divorce records of Georgia open to the public, the government aims to minimize divorce cases of the state. This helps couples residing in Georgia to verify the marital status of their partners before marriage. With this, one would know if their future husband or wife is currently married or separated legally or not. Georgia divorce records are one of the public documents of the state but the information displayed on a public file is very limited. Only the general divorce details are indicated on the public file. This includes only the names of the divorces and the date and the county where the separation was legalized. Information that involves the assets and liabilities of the couple along with the custody of the child are protected. One would not be able to find the reason why the couple filed for separation in a public divorce document.Divorce which was registered since June 9, 1952 is the only divorce records that can be obtained from the state of Georgia. Divorce files of the Georgia are being archived at the office of the Vital Records Section; however, the office does not release copies of it. Only the county clerk office where the divorce has been registered is where one can obtain certified divorce copies. One can go to the Vital Records office to verify the county of separation to make the search easier. Fees have to be paid in order to get the certified copy of a divorce record in Georgia. The fee for searching for the file only would cost $10. This does not include the certification fee. One has to include an additional $2 if the record is being processed for certification. The retrieval of the certified copy would incur another cost $.50 per page. One has to be able to provide the divorce details in order to get have the request processed. The one who request for the record is required to provide their name on the application form and other contact details along with the purpose for accessing the file. One can now find divorced records with the use of the Internet. This new technology has allowed many to obtain the records faster at a cheaper price. This is the option that the residents of Georgia prefer because it can be done even without leaving home. The results can be obtained faster than any other method there is. The search can be done anytime it is needed.