You can find Georgia divorce records online. There are several online service providers that can offer you a service way faster and convenient in contrast to the traditional method as these online record providers can give you the details you need quickly thereby saving your time.
The number of divorces in US is now quite startling. Statistics say that in three marriages,

one usually ends up in divorce. Georgia, the Peach State, is no exception to this. Like any other states in the US, it records a very high divorce rate. In part due to several premarital counselling efforts, the rising divorce rate does not seem to be coming down. If you are planning to get married soon and you’re not quite sure if your partner has never been married before, you can only be certain when you have checked. Georgia divorce records are in the public domain. As such, you can legally ask for it. Should you wish to acquire a copy of your divorce decree or find out the particulars of someone else’s divorce in the Peach State, you can obtain Georgia divorce records from the office of the clerk in the county where the divorce was granted.
Georgia’s Vital Records office, which works under the Department of Public Health, is the agency responsible for conducting searches to determine the occurrence of a divorce. However, this agency cannot issue a divorce record. Certified copies of divorce decrees are only available from the Clerk of the Superior Court in the county where the divorce was settled. Divorce records from 1952 to present can be found in the county clerk’s office.
When requesting for a divorce record, it will always help if you know the exact county where the divorce was approved as requests for divorce decrees should be directed at the clerk of the county. The significant details you can provide are the groom’s full name, bride’s full name, the date of divorce, place of divorce, and the number 0f copies you want to request. Payment must be received first before a record or a service can be provided according to the Peach State’s law. Prepayment of the fee is obligatory at the time the service is requested and such fees are non-refundable. Each divorce record is worth $10 which includes the fees for the search and confirmation of the divorce event. Usually, the processing time for divorce records request takes two to five business days.
Additionally, you can find Georgia divorce records online. There are several online service providers that can offer you a service way faster and convenient in contrast to the traditional method as these online record providers can give you the details you need quickly thereby saving your time. In lieu of the usual turnaround timeof two to five business days, you can get the divorce record you need in just a matter of minutes. Best of all, you will not be asked to pay for each request you make. A minimal fee is required and you can already have unlimited access to their online database which is accessible anytime of the day, seven days a week.
Luckily, some
divorce records can be obtained at no charge. There are multitudes of directories for public records which you can check over the Internet for free. Besides, online service providers range from fee based to free service providers. However, if quality assurance is what you’re after, then you’re better off with the one that charges a minimal cost yet provides comprehensive results in an expedited and efficient way.
A divorce decree is a vital record which means that this is an official certificate kept by the government to document the status of an individual. For genealogists, records such as divorce records can actually shed valuable light on the history of their ancestors. Truly, divorce decrees are a wealth of information when determining ancestry. Moreover, free divorce records contain significant information such as names of the couple, children, the date and place of the marriage, the date of the split-up, and the county where the divorce was settled. As such, if you are romantically involved with someone you’re not sure to have never been married before, or someone who says he or she is divorced but you’re not certain whether the divorce was finalized, checking that person’s divorce record is a brilliant idea as this will help you know more about the person you want to be engaged with for life. Aside from that, this will help you discover if there were serious issues in his or her past marriage that would indicate problems in a future marriage.