Get A Free Copy Of Updated Criminal Records
Public Criminal Records are much available online, together with birth records, marriage records, death records and divorce records.
Crime is some action or omission that causes harm in a situation and the person or group responsible is to be held accountable and punished,

irrespective of what the law books of a state say. It is also defined as a social construction, as a product of religious authority or doctrine, as a reflection of nation and state legality, and more recent concepts encompasses beyond the nation and state derived social and political theory. If there are no public authorities who are highly capable or ready to police social activity and punish offenders, then there is no crime. Crimes and criminal only exist when a public body has judged them according to accepted procedures. Without criminal law there is no crime, without criminal justice systems then there are no criminals. Criminal Records are one of the important bases of reference when crime happens or when a hearing of a criminal person is currently underway. Background check is a review of the commercial, criminal and financial records of a particular person. These is requested to ensure that future employers, visa requesters, verifications, credit cards, licenses and any other purposes will have a clean background and to deliberate more if a person has criminal records. However information written in a criminal record may vary depending on the country and their jurisdiction. A criminal record has different types of criminal offenses. Felony is a type of offense that has serious cases like Murder, rape, kidnapping, aggravated assault or battery, arson, burglary and grand theft are all considered felony crimes. These committed crimes will send criminals to prison for two years or more. Some offenses may either be considered felony or misdemeanor depending on each case.Probation Violation is known to be an alternative punishment to a jail term. Consequences under this type of offense include revocation of probation, extension on the length or severity of the probation, community service and mandatory substance abuse treatment. Misdemeanor usually considered a less serious or minor offense, it is a crime punishable b incarceration, typically in a local confinement facility. The maximum incarceration period is usually limited to one year or less. Parole Violations are people who are serving jail sentence for a felony conviction that may be eligible after a certain period of time for parole. Most common violations committed were possession of alcohol, weapons and drugs, positive result in a drug test and many more. Traffic Violations are made for people or drivers that committed serious traffic offenses. Example of these traffic offense are serious violations include accidents that resulted in fatalities or death and DUI arrests. Sex offenders that were convicted of certain sexual crimes such as rape, sexual assault and child molestation will be registered for life as a sex offender. Each registered sex offender is categorized by the court by level one, two and three accordingly.There are five objects that are widely accepted for enforcement of the criminal law by punishments. Deterrence is aimed toward the specific offender who committed the crime. It imposes a sufficient punishment to discourage the offender from criminal behavior. Rehabilitation also aims at transforming an offender into a valuable member of the society. Restitution uses a theory called victim oriented theory of punishment in which it orients criminals of their wrong doings. Retribution is a punishment that is considered morally right and fully deserved. . Incapacitation is simply made to keep criminals away from society so that the public is protected from their misconduct.Some Public Criminal Records, birth records, death records, marriage and divorce records are sometimes inaccurate and outdated in the information it gives, mostly, depending on the type of website. Taking advantage of these public records through online methods will make it easy and fast for most people rather than physically visiting the particular offices involved. Usually viewing public records are free however, requesting a copy of a record will require payment for services, such as the mail and the materials used.