Getting Results from a Difficult Injury Lawyer
If your injury lawyer has turned out to be slow to return your phone calls and unresponsive to your case then you need to find the right communication technique for dealing with him. Here we look at that.
When you hire an injury lawyer to represent you,
it is important that the person provide you with a high standard of work. It can be very frustrating to realize that the attorney that you chose to represent you is not doing what you feel he should be in helping you with your personal injury case. It can be even more frustrating when you feel your hands are tied and you do not know what you can do about the unfortunate situation!
What you need is a strategy for dealing with the injury lawyer that will work for you. There are many common problems that arise between attorneys and their clients. You are not the first person to hire a lawyer who is not working out the way you hoped he would.
Communication is key to a good professional relationship. But what if the communication problem does not exist on your side? What if it is the injury lawyer who has the communication issue? An attorney who goes long stretches without returning your telephone calls or e-mails is abandoning you as a client and this is a violation of his ethical obligations to you. You can file a complaint with the bar association, but this will do nothing to help you with your case at the moment.
If you feel that the personal injury attorney you hired is not paying attention to your injury case, then you can take matters into your own hands and write him a firm but polite letter making him aware of the concerns you harbor in regards to his lack of response. Do not get nasty in the letter. Do not threaten to file a malpractice suit against him and do not say that you plan to complain to the bar association about his behavior. Saying any of these things will not get you what you want, which is more attention and time from the injury lawyer. Threats such as this are likely to push your legal counsel further away from you because they will make him angry, hostile and defensive.
You may find that the lawyer changes his ways after that and becomes more responsive to your case. However, you may not get the result that you are looking for. If the injury lawyer does not respond to the letter and all of the conversations and meetings that follow show no signs of improvement then if you wish to retain this attorney mediation might be the right route to take. This can be a means of solving your communication issues.
It should be noted that just because a lawyer does not have the best manner or does not do things in the same manner that you would that he is a bad lawyer. Some attorneys are excellent when it comes to doing their jobs and representing their clients in a legal sense but do not do as well in terms of the personal side of performing their jobs. Bear in mind that finding a new lawyer when your case has already gotten underway is not always a simple feat.