Are your personal records really safe? Did you know there's information about you available through Government public records you may not want known. We reveal more in this hard-hitting report.
Do you know what your government public records contain? You might be surprised. The government is obligated to the people it serves,
and because of this, they must make certain things available through their government public records to everyone who is interested in looking.
I know you are saying, but the government is obligated to serve my interests by keeping my information private. The truth is there also may be creditors, financial institutions, collectors, people who have liens or judgments against you-business and personal, that also have rights to government public records search to protect their interests, to help them collect what is owed to them.
Is Your Personal Information Really Safe?
Anybody can find out when you were born, who you married or divorced, what real estate you own, car you drive, your Social Security number and Vehicle registration, your medical records through personal injury lawsuits, employment and unemployment.
Your bankruptcy filing, which also contains credit card companies owed, account numbers, bank account numbers, how much you owe, how much you have in your bank account is all part of your government public records.
And it’s not just about you - names of your children, their age, their social security number can all be found through birth certificates. The inheritance you might be getting can be found through death certificates, probate court records of parents and relatives, anytime your name is mentioned in a document that is filed in a government public records database.
Once these assets are passed on to you through estate settlements, sales and deeds they all become a part of your government public records.
Can Anybody Can Search Your Records?
Search engines allow any amateur the means to look up your name, address, phone number and find out a whole world of information regarding all of your personal affairs. Most people don’t even realize their records contain all of this information.
They rip up their junk mail, credit card statements and anything else with their name on it on a daily basis, thinking they are safe from any identity theft issues, when a thief really doesn’t need to know anything about you to find out everything about you!
Many states and counties have their own websites where anybody can search your government public records. Many county websites now even list how much you paid for your house when your deed is filed.
They are doing this for property tax issues, but a future buyer of your home could certainly find out what you paid, and use that as a basis to try to analyze your asking price without complete information, and cost you the sale of your home, or certainly cut into any profit you might being hoping to gain.