Guide by NJ Dog Bite Lawyer on Factors That Can Help You Win the Case
Though dogs are wonderful and really loyal with their owners, they are still unsafe for the people around except for the owner. Owner’s little negligence can be troublesome and the animal bite may be one reason why they’d have to suffer for paying compensation to the injured. If you are a victim its best to make your case worthy with your dog bite lawyer.
“Dogs are humans friend” we have heard it number of times,
similar to humans even these animals have mood swings; they can turn violent all of a sudden. Dogs usually comes under the category of “aggressive and defensive” animals, thus their behavior may force them to bite individuals who they are unaware or unfamiliar of. If you are an injured victim The primary reason for filing a lawsuit is merely to prove that you have incurred injuries and these injuries are really troubling you. The main reason you need to hire an NJ dog bite lawyer is to represent you in the court the most effective manner, to prove your side, to show how severe these injures were impacting your life and then provide you a fair justice. You and your professional together will convince the court that you did your level best to not provoke but the animal was already aggressive is the whole and sole reason why the incident occurred. Proving negligence in cases like this plays a heavy role because if you are able to present in front of the court that the dog owner or the care taker did not perform their duty well and didn’t comply with the responsibilities they have as a pet owner, their chances of getting into the fault and giving you the recoveries becomes higher.
Top Factors That Can Make You Win
- Like people, dogs have inherent qualities or characters that make them unique and different from the other breeds. While some breeds have aggressive behavior and really uncontrollable, there are dog breeds that are more aggressive while other breeds are friendly, lovable, joyful and even very calm and quite. If you have been injured by a dog that comes under the breed being very violent then you can prove in the court that there was no provocation from your side.
- The animal itself attacked you because of the hyperactive or overaggressive temperament they have towards other unfamiliar individuals. Though this isn’t the only point that the court will believe to be true, the judge would want to go more in depth and learn whether it was your mistake or on. Even if the breeds are prone to high temperament, this doesn’t declare the animal to be at fault completely.
- But this is a really good point to prove in the court that the dog was actually responsible for giving pain. The owner did not take enough care when they already know about the animals’ unpredictable mood swings.
- The animal’s temperament won’t get you win the compensation alone, you will have to prove that this was not their first time to showcase aggression. Past history is very important, if you don’t have their details, your NJ dog bite lawyer will surely help you with the research work. However, previous background and behavior of the animal also plays an important role in judging the current situation.
- If the research came to a conclusion showing the dog is socially active, healthy and has never hurt anyone, not even the strangers on road then you have any good point to prove in the court with respect to their temperament.
- The court will evaluate the different aspect of the dog’s behavior, if the dog has a bad history, then the owner will be questioned for showing careless attitude and not keeping the dog at a safer place. It is highly advisable for owners to keep the dog away from other individuals and never get them in contact with strangers if they’ve bitten initially or are aggressive by nature.
- The Type Of Behavior They Showed
- Of course when the animal bites you, there may be any other individual around you. Those individuals are not simply individuals they are witness who have seen the incident occurring in front of them. Their reviews become very valuable, if they have seen the dog biting you, they will also be aware of the behavior of the animal before and after the attack.
- With this, you have to interview the witness and get valuable information about the scene; they can give you honest views. Make sure you collect the contact details of the witness at the scene and then call them up or let your NJ dog bite lawyer makes the call and approach these professionals.
- The court may ask you whether the dog showed any signal or warning before biting you. If you knew they were about to attack you and you didn’t take any precautions to it then the court may ask you the reason for doing so. But if the attack was all of a sudden and you were highly unaware of the dog’s behavior towards you the in the court may give you a chance to prove your point and proceed the case further.
- It becomes quite impossible to seek compensation from the one you already know. Usually the pet owners are relatives, friends or neighbors who are close to you and you’ve a constant communication or meet up with them. It becomes really awkward to fight in the court against someone close to you. Thus there is an option i.e. negotiation with the insurance company of the at-fault party.
- Your NJ dog bite lawyer are experts when it comes to negotiation, they have the art to negotiate in the most effective manner. Negotiation is always better options as here you don’t have to prove who is at fault, you simply conduct a negotiation process wherein you keep your point, the other party keep their point.
- Insurance company provide you the first offer, if you are happy you can accept it, if you are not satisfied you will deny it. Simply negotiation a fair deal can help you recover the normal expenses you have spent on treating your injuries, medicines bills and other damages.
- When seeking treatment for the dog bite injury, your medical professional can give you a complete brief about your condition, injuries, health and how the attack has impacted your life.
- The doctor clearly knows the exact condition of yours, these professionals may have done any tests on you, so the expenses incurred while treating your wounds can make wonders in your case.
- All you have to do is secure all the medical bills, if there were test conducted make sure you add this in the expense list, apart from that you must also add the other expense incurred like surgeries or mental discomforts, pain and sufferings, emotional trauma, depression or even anxiety for that matter. This will increase the weight age of your compensation worth.