Hiring a Bankruptcy Law Firm and Getting Your Value
When debt accumulates, it tends to hang over an individual’s head like a dark storm cloud waiting to burst. There are a few ways to escape that cloud, however, and one of them is hiring a good bankruptcy law firm to take on your case. With the economy variously in shambles or simply mediocre, many people are finding themselves in dire financial straits these days.
With the economy variously in shambles or simply mediocre,

many people are finding themselves in dire financial straits these days. If you are one of those people, debt could be your biggest concern. When it accumulates, it tends to hang over an individual’s head like a dark storm cloud waiting to burst. There are a few ways to escape that cloud, however, and one of them is hiring a good bankruptcy law firm to take on your case. Not all such firms are created equal, however, so you need to be careful when making your final decision. Here is the key to getting the most value from your lawyers.
It isn’t hard to imagine that money is definitely an object for most people when they talk about hiring a bankruptcy law firm. If money was no object, then they wouldn’t be in the situation to begin with. Therefore, it only stands to reason that many people will choose an attorney based on price alone. This could be a major mistake, however. The way filing and other legal activities are done in this arena means certain fees and payments are nearly unavoidable.
Most lawyers should be in the same ballpark when it comes to how much they are charging their clients. If you find one that is charging a drastically reduced fee from the competition, something is probably wrong. Either you are going to wind up paying that gap in money at some point down the road or you will not be getting the value you deserve. It is not uncommon to find unscrupulous people in every profession, and unfortunately some choose to put their Juris Doctorates to bad use by misleading or preying on people who are inexperienced with the law. Do your homework and avoid these unsavory characters whenever possible.
So what is it that you should be getting from your bankruptcy law firm? In many area of life, that is a difficult question to answer. In this arena, however, it is a relatively simple one. All lawyers should be offering nearly the same package when they agree to take on your case. That package includes a full financial consultation, at which time they will analyze your financial situation and determine the best course of action. It should include preparing and filing the petition with the appropriate federal court. It should include being present at a meeting of the creditors and making any follow up appointments as necessary. If you are getting all of this for a standard price, you know you are getting good value from your attorneys.
Keep in mind that every situation is different. Your situation might call for additional representation beyond that basic package. For instance, if you see litigation in your future, it is clearly going to cost quite a bit more than that initial fee. And if you do foresee this kind of proceeding, you’ll want to find a bankruptcy law firm that is experienced enough to go to battle for you in the trial arena.