How To Change Your Name in California

Apr 10


David Fagan

David Fagan

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The main way to change your name the quickest is by filing a Petition for a Change of Name.

There’s a hard way and an easy way to petition the court to change your name. The hard way is to dig up Form NC-100,How To Change Your Name in California Articles NC-110, NC-120, Form CSM-010, and form NC-130 1-by-1 on your own. The easy way is to find a site online that has all the forms as a kit and you should be able to find a kit with instructions. Instructions would help because there's more to this process.

Once you fill out the forms make sure you have a copy for yourself and a copy to give to the court. The next step is to then go to the court in the county you live and file your papers. The third step is a bit trickier; you must "Publish the Order to Show Cause". This means you must call one of the newspapers your court recognizes as a general newspaper (the court house can provide you with a list) and ask them to publish your Order to Show Cause in their newspaper, they know the routine. You must Publish the Order to Show Cause once a week for 4 weeks in a row.

The fourth step is to go to your court date and take the proof of publication from the newspaper. Make sure you get the newspaper with your Order to Show Cause and bring it with you to your court case. You’ll also need to have the Decree Changing Name form that should of came with your kit (Form NC-130). The judge will need to sign off on the Decree Changing Name form this is what you’ll need to change all your legal documents which include your birth certificate, social security card, and passport.

Once you get the Decree Changing Name form signed get a certified copy from the court.

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