How To Find An Affordable Bankruptcy Lawyer For Your Case
What have you got to lose if you choose not to hire a bankruptcy lawyer? You're broke anyways, right? Without legal representation, you may actually make the situation much worse.
If your life is in chaos from debt,
creditor harassment, and dwindling funds, you might find yourself one of several million Americans who have to call on the aid of a bankruptcy lawyer this year. If you look at any newspaper, in 2010 alone it is estimated that the number of people filing has increased by anywhere from 10% to 15%. Debt is becoming increasingly unmanageable, especially as jobs are cut, gas prices rise, government aid decreases, and taxes increase. And while you may think that everything will turn around in just a couple of years, rather than waiting for something that might not happen, it is best to start reorganizing your finances and budget now before your debt increases.
Many people dislike even the idea of talking with a bankruptcy lawyer because they feel shame, a sense of failure, or that they can't afford more expenses on top of their mounting fiscal crisis. While it can be an emotionally stressful period of time, filing and discharging debts can also be extremely liberating and provide some much needed relief, especially if you are having difficulty managing everyday expenses. As soon as you start the process, your bankruptcy lawyer will ensure any harassment via phone calls or mail ceases and will protect as many of your personal assets as possible. You can stop worrying about your car getting repossessed or your house getting foreclosed on, and just that eliminated stress alone can help you see the situation more clearly.
Some people avoid filing for several months or even years because they think they can't afford a bankruptcy lawyer and are too overwhelmed to go through the process on their own (and risk rejection of their application, which can be time consuming and costly). There are plenty of ways to find an affordable lawyer; however, you need to be willing to put in a bit of effort. Give yourself some time to make calls and gather a list of referrals. Many people are simply afraid to ask for lower or adjusted prices, but if you are hiring a bankruptcy lawyer, most will understand your situation and work with you if they can. Your state likely has a legal organization that can help match you with a legal professional in your price range. There are also government-assisted programs that can provide you with free or heavily discounted legal and financial advisors to further assess your situation.
The Internet can be one of the most valuable tools you can use when searching for a good attorney. While you can also ask your friends for personal referrals, the subject is often too sensitive to approach and some might not appreciate your probing into their affairs or opening old wounds. Type in what you're looking for in a search engine and check message boards and legal forums as well. While not always 100% reliable, a few personal reviews or recommendations can help you narrow down your list of attorneys to interview. You can also get some free legal information on many of their websites.