How You Can Prevail with Good Drug Crime Defense

Apr 23


Anna Woodward

Anna Woodward

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If you've been arrested and are in need of drug crime defense, it helps to know how these sorts of cases come together. Read on to learn more.

There is a prevalent train of thought that says if you've been arrested,How You Can Prevail with Good Drug Crime Defense Articles the game is up. The police have you and the prosecutors are going to put you away. But if you've been charged with possession, intent, or anything else having to do with illicit substances, this may not be true. With a good drug crime defense lawyer, every possibility of a good outcome still exists. Is complete acquittal unlikely? Impossible to say, without having the facts of your case. Acquittals are rare, but that is not the only good outcome, especially depending on what the worst case scenario might be for your situation. Here are some ways a lawyer can move your case towards the best case scenario.


If it can be shown to a judge that evidence for your trial was collected improperly (usually by violating your search and seizure rights), it could be thrown out entirely. Without evidence, the prosecutor has no case. Of course, it is rare that a drug crime defense lawyer can have every bit of evidence thrown out. Still, it may be possible to have some of it declared inadmissible. This may also include any statements you gave to the police, if it can be shown that you were not read your rights after arrest.

Investigating the Police

If you've ever watched a trial of any kind in person or on television, you've probably seen lawyers casting suspicions on the reputation of the police involved in the case. This was done to great effect in one of the most famous trials of all time, the O.J. Simpson murder trial. While it's unlikely that you will be able to drop a bomb as earth shattering as Mark Fuhrman during your drug crime defense, you may be able to bring out information that is damaging to the state's case. This is why it is essential that you hire an attorney who is willing to go the extra mile to help you get a fair trial.

Stay Out of Court

If you're staring at a mountain of uncontested evidence, going to trial may be the last thing you want. You may have seen instances where a jury disregarded clear evidence of guilt and voted to acquit anyway, but this is probably not going to happen in your case. If you're looking at near-certain conviction, you need a drug crime defense lawyer who can keep you out of the courtroom entirely. A good plea bargain is often the best case scenario, so make sure you have a lawyer on your side who can argue for reduced charges.