In this article we will examine one of the common misconceptions people have about the 5th preference employment based visa, the notion that the job creation requirement of the visa is a difficult one to satisfy.
The 5th preference employment based visa (EB5) was created as part of the Immigration Act of 1990.It was developed in order to generate revenue for the United States economy and to help create new jobs for American workers.The visa requires an investment of at least $1,000,000 into a new or pre-existing business, or a government certified Regional Center.If the investment is made in a Targeted Unemployment Area (TEA), that figure can be reduced to $500,000.A TEA, as defined by the Immigration Act, is a Rural Area (areas with populations under 20,000 people) and areas of high unemployment (areas with unemployment rates 150% or more of the national rate).Interest in the EB5 immigrant investor visa continues to grow, as new investment opportunities open up and awareness of the program steadily inclines.Still, some potential investors remain unsure of whether or not this visa is a viable option for them.In this article we will examine some ways in which a potential immigrant investor can determine if the EB5 visa program is an appropriate choice for them to take on their path to a United States Green Card Visa.You have available to you the required investment amount The EB5 Immigrant Investor Visa program requires a fairly significant investment to be made into the United States Economy.As outlined above, this investment amount is typically $1,000,000, but can be reduced to half that figure under certain conditions.In order to take part in the EB5 visa program, interested investors must have at least $500,000 in available investment capital.While the guidelines of the visa do require the invested money to be at a legitimate risk, the success rate for Eb5 Visa Program applicants can be very high.There is also the opportunity to make an investment in a Regional Center, which will help manage the investment and assist with satisfying the job creation requirements of the visa.Potential investors are advised to seek out Regional Centers with a proven track record in helping immigrant investors see the EB5 program through to its conclusion.You would like to bring your family to the United States ome EB5 applicants choose to take advantage of the visa program so they can provide themselves and their family with access to the learning institutions and employment opportunities in the United States, while others simply wish to reside in this country and live out their years on American soil.Upon successful enrollment in the EB5 visa program, the investor may bring their immediate family (spouse and unmarried children under 21 years of age) to the United States.As outlined by the guidelines of the program:Your spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21 may be admitted to the U.S.with you on a two-year conditional period.If your I-829 petition to remove conditions is approvedFree Web Content, then the conditions will be removed from your spouse and childrens Green Card status.As a lawful permanent resident (Green Card holder) your spouse and children will be authorized to work or attend school in the U.S.What this means is that both the investor and their immediate family will be given unconditional status after two years of compliance with the guidelines of the visa.
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