Legal Way To Get A Copy Of The Massachusetts Criminal Records On The Web
The state’s criminal records record is kept by the office of public Safety under the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services.
The Freedom of Information Act in 1966 has mandated that the Massachusetts Criminal Records has to be accessed by the public anytime. The state’s criminal records record is kept by the office of public Safety under the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services. In Massachusetts,

the criminal records are usually accessed when conducting a background check of a suspected individual. Most employers nowadays woulduse this method to ensure that the people they hire can be trusted. This may benefit the employer for a long time. However, the public availability of the criminal records in Massachusetts may not be beneficial to all especially to those who have been convicted before. The individual may have a difficulty in landing a job because of the criminal information they had in the past. This can be avoided by hiding the record form the public. It can be done by seeking help from an attorney who will approve the information to be hidden from the general public as long as the individual would follow the necessary process. When retrieving the criminal record of an individual, one has to first go to the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety. Basic information of the individual in question would be needed such as the name, date of birth and sometimes the social security number. A fee of $15 will be asked if the one who will request for the information is coming from a non-government office, $25 for those who ask for their own personal records while $35 is needed if the record is requested by an attorney. The records can be obtained by writing a letter of request addressed to the Massachusetts Public Information Office. The record can be printed and personally retrieved or it can be mailed as requested. The request can be paid through cash or check that is addressed to the Massachusetts local court house. Public criminal record contains basic information about the convicted individual. It would include the reason why the individual was imprisoned, the date of imprisonment and the sentence given to the individual. Other information such as the details of the arrest can also be found on the record. The retrieval of criminal records in Massachusetts has been made easy through the use of the internet. This technology has eliminated the need to line up and wait on queue in order to get the criminal record. With just a few clicks, the record can be retrieved instantly. There are websites that offer to retrieve detailed information of an individual for a reasonable price.