Fortunately, the emergence of reputable criminal record search websites has made this kind of task much more effortless for many of us. Today, conducting criminal background checks and accessing arrest records in Louisiana and in other states is a job that is no longer as arduous or time consuming as in the years past.
Obtaining a comprehensive copy of a personal arrest or police report can be rather tiring and time consuming for most people. And if you have no clue about the procedures and requirements involved in accessing such documents,

it can be tough. But, with the appropriate resources and tools, gathering criminal background information is really not as difficult as one might think. In the state of Louisiana, housing and maintaining Louisiana
Where To Find Arrest Records are one of the responsibilities of the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Information. Overseen by the Louisiana State Police, the bureau may not allow just any civilian, without the proper authorization, access to its criminal database, since the state of Louisiana is a closed records state.
Proper housing and maintenance of all criminal data in the state is among the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Information’s most important role. The bureau keeps all criminal records in the state well organized by administering the Louisiana Computerized Criminal History System, which holds police reports, disposition records, and incarceration data for the state. In addition, the bureau also maintains the state’s Automated Fingerprint Identification System, otherwise known as AFIS, as well as the Louisiana Sex Offender Registry.
Because the state of Louisiana is, unfortunately, a closed records state, civilians will not be able to access complete criminal history profiles through this channel. In contrast to most states where police reports and arrest records are open to the public, this is not the case in the Pelican State. Individuals who want to view their arrest history can do so by visiting their local law enforcement office. They cannot take home the document itself, but they are allowed to copy significant information listed in their profile. Furthermore, access to such documents for personal use, immigration purposes, housing, and litigation is also not permitted.
Authorized agencies, organizations, law enforcement officials, and approved personnel are the only ones who are allowed to run criminal background checks. Approved requests are conducted either through mail or online. Requesters will be charged a $26 fee for each name searched. If a fingerprint-based search is specified, the requester will be required to pay an additional $10. Request forms are available, and must be completed before processing can begin. Civilians can file a fingerprint-based search for their arrest history, which will cost ten bucks as well.
Another suitable alternative for criminal history profiles is the Louisiana Public Safety and Corrections. This particularly agency is mainly responsible for criminal background checks, as well as the reintegration of former convicts to the outside world and the incarceration of convicted felons. Working hand-in-hand with the Louisiana State Police, this agency aims to provide sufficient criminal background information to state and federal law enforcement agencies, organizations, as well as civilians.
Moreover, the advent of online record providers has also sparked a new kind of background information resource. Because of these criminal record search websites, we as ordinary citizens can effortlessly perform criminal background checks without going through lengthy procedures. Getting access to arrest records in Louisiana and in other states is no longer a daunting task. For a diminutive one-time fee, any registered member can perform unlimited criminal background searches anywhere and anytime, without delays.