Massive pileups occurred this week in Indian and Ohio. No fatalities or serious injuries; scary nonetheless.
In Indianapolis, a school bus carrying students to school suffered a crash that injured twelve people. The Lafayette School bus was taking students home after school on Thursday when the accident occurred. The passengers were special needs children.
A large truck was changing lanes and it hit the bus, which then went into the median and rolled over. The accident caused a massive traffic jam, and was not completely cleared away until two hours later.
Seven adults and five children were hurt in the accident. They were all taken to the hospital immediately following the incident. Currently it is known that two adults and three children are listed as being in stable condition. Apparently the worst injury was an arm fracture, but there were also victims that suffered broken bones, sprains, dislocations and lacerations.
The driver of the truck that ran into the bus left the scene after causing the accident, according to the police.
Another large pileup occurred Friday morning in Clark County, Ohio. All lanes along the eastbound interstate 70 were closed after an accident involving fifteen vehicles.
Fog was very heavy in the morning before and during the collision, and it likely the reason behind the accident. At 7:20 a.m., a pileup occurred with 11 cars and 4 semi trucks.
Four people were taken to hospital with injuries that were not life-threatening as well, and everyone else seems to be okay. The cleanup took about four and a half hours.
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