Mississippi - Marriage License Available Online
Public marriage records from a paid online search are accurate and reliable. This is why the residents of the state would go for the paid search since the document can be used right away.
The state of Mississippi is an open state which means that its residents are allowed to obtain their personal files whenever they need to. This had been available since the Freedom of Information has been in place. The state of Mississippi Marriage License is one of the files the locals can retrieve. A marriage license would contain information about the bride and groom. This includes their full name and date of birth. The place and the date as to when the couple got married are the highlights of a marriage license. The names of the primary sponsors and the witness are also indicated on the file. Marriage records are used in a number of ways in the state of Mississippi. Genealogy research is one of the top reasons for requesting such document. People would use the information that can be found on the document to update or change the family records. Also,

a marriage certificate is needed in dealing with some transactions in the government. Transactions related to the finances of the family and the beneficiaries would call for a marriage license. Records since January 1, 1926 to July 1, 1938 have to be requested at the county where the marriage took place. Records after that are all archived at the office of the Vital Records Section of Mississippi. There are times where one cannot find the file at the state office; in cases like this, one has to check with the local county office for the marriage license that is being requested. A processing fee of $15 is needed in order to have the request processed. If one needs an additional copy, an additional $5 has to be paid. To make the retrieve faster and easier, one should provide the details of the document that is being requested such as the name of the couple and the date and place where it happened. Retrieval of the marriage license in Mississippi is now easier with the help of the Internet. With this, there is no need to do the search at any office since one can do the search even at home. There are also websites that offer to do the search for you which can help lessen the wait time. With all of the websites that offer their services online, one cannot be sure of the information that is obtained from it. A free public marriage records search is offered by some websites to let their customer have a feel of their system to help them decide whether they should go for a paid service or not. The residents of Mississippi still prefer the paid search because of the accuracy and the results of the search are reliable compared to the free search.