A father who showed his three young daughters adult pornography may face legal prosecution; however, Texas law could protect his actions. If you have been charged with a crime or are facing legal prosecution, contact an experienced Dallas criminal defense attorney at Crain Lewis, LLP at 214-522-9404.
Congress Reduces Gap for Cocaine Sentences
A bill has been passed to modify drug laws that unfairly distribute sentences between powder cocaine and crack convictions. If you have been charged with a drug crime, or are facing prosecution, contact an experienced Dallas criminal defense attorney at 214-522-9404.Proposed Federal Ignition-Interlock Bill Could Change Texas DWI Law
New Jersey’s Senator is lobbying to pass a law across the country that would mandate all repeat drunk driving offenders to have ignition interlock devices (IIDs) installed in their vehicles. If you have been charged with a DWI offense, contact an experienced Dallas criminal defense attorney at Crain Lewis, LLP at 214-522-9404.Group Seeking Reform of Texas Sex Offender Registration Requirements
Many have become concerned with sex offender registration requirements and are questioning whether or not the registry is effective in protecting those against the most dangerous offenders. If you have been charged with a sex crime, contact an experienced Dallas criminal defense attorney at Crain Lewis, LLP at 214-522-9404.