Personal Injury Lawyer: Types of Falls

Jul 18


Antoinette Ayana

Antoinette Ayana

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When someone falls he may look to a personal injury lawyer for assistance. There are times when a person or a company is responsible for what happened and can be required to provide compensation.

Most of the time,Personal Injury Lawyer: Types of Falls Articles a fall does not require the help of a personal injury lawyer. A person working at home trips over something in the floor. There is a slippery surface in the kitchen and a fall is inevitable. When these problems occur in a victim's home, he or she is usually responsible for what happened. However when fall occur on public property, many times they are the result of someone's negligence. Whether it is the business owner, the facility manager, or even an employee and attorney can get to the bottom of things and help the victim reach a resolution. Here are three different types of falls that victims often experience.


Have you ever stubbed your toe or tripped over something? Sometimes you may lose your balance but quickly recover, leaving only the pain in your foot to deal with. Other times, stubbing your toe means falling straight to the floor and sustaining more severe injuries. A personal injury lawyer helps a victim look over what happened and seek out the protrusion. From there, he helps figure out who is responsible for having something out in a walking pathway and what compensation is necessary for the victim. It could mean paying all of the medical bills associated with the fall.


While walking along a seemingly harmless pathway, you come to an uneven portion that makes you lose your balance. You may not have been able to see the problem or it may have been covered up. Either way, once you lose your balance, you fall. Unfortunately, if you do find yourself with your foot in a hole, that part of the body tends to be affected severely by the fall. With the help of a personal injury lawyer, you can find out who was responsible for the uneven walkway. If he was informed of the problem in advance and did nothing to remedy it, the negligence is obvious.


Almost everyone has found themselves walking along a slippery surface. When it snows or rains, sometimes that front porch, the sidewalk and even the entryway into the house gets a little slippery. You know what it feels like to be walking along and have your feet completely come out from underneath you. But when you are walking in store or in an office, you don't expect to see the same type of conditions on the floor. This means that when you do slip, you are completely unprepared. You aren't walking cautiously and you aren't readily about to prevent yourself from hitting the floor. If there was no warning, a personal injury lawyer can look into the situation and find out if you have a case.