A rape attorney will work with you to prove you are innocent. Find out what methods of defense there are in cases like this and how these professionals can offer the help you need.
You are facing a legal mess and need a rape attorney. Sometimes,

the wrong people are charged with a crime and fighting those charges can be nearly impossible. For example, one situation that can occur is a woman claiming a man raped her when in fact the relationship was consensual. It becomes a he said, she said situation. Unfortunately, once you are accused of something like this, you are facing the courts and the laws of the land. What can you do? The best first step to take is to call a lawyer that's able to work with you to fight the charges.
Proving Innocence
The right rape attorney can help you to fight these charges if you are in fact innocent, or help you to get charges reduced if there is some level of guilt. In most cases, the professional who has experience in this area of the law will find numerous ways to prove that level of innocence in a court of law, so that you can find the results you want and need.
One of the ways that you may be able to prove this is through evidence or a lack of it. Often, DNA samples are necessary to prove that this event happened. In addition, a physical examination can often prove whether a traumatic event occurred. If, for some reason, this type of evidence does not exist, that can work in your favor. However, that is often times not enough.
A full understanding of the situation is often important. For example, by understanding your background and the alleged victim’s background, a lawyer can help to piece together who is telling the truth.
-Does either party have a history of these types of claims or incidents?
-Does either party have a history together?
-Does the alleged victim have psychological problems that may cause this type of incident to occur or for a lie to be told?
-Is there any background history between the two people that indicate one may want revenge on the other?
-What other details are there that could backup or refute either person’s testimony?
In some situations, character witnesses can help. In other situations, you may need to work with your lawyer to provide that existing evidence is not, in fact, admissible in a court of law. It is only after this occurs that individuals can find the level of peace they need.
If you are charged with a crime you did not commit, contact a rape attorney. Discuss your situation. Explain what really happened and allow a professional to help you to get out of the criminal charges you are facing. If you are convicted, even falsely, this can go on your permanent record and affect your ability to work and live in some communities. Take it seriously and take steps as soon as possible to defend yourself. With the right defense, there are solutions available.