The term “conveyancing” is generally used in connection with the transfer of property titles from one person to another. In most cases it refers to real estate property. It is possible for people to go through this process on their own, using pre-printed forms and information, without resorting to a lawyer.
The term “conveyancing” is generally used in connection with the transfer of property titles from one person to another. In most cases it refers to real estate property. It is possible for people to go through this process on their own,
using pre-printed forms and information, without resorting to a lawyer.
However, most parties see the wisdom of engaging the services of a lawyer, a solicitor or a licensed conveyancer. The law has so many ramifications that very few people, unfamiliar with the legal profession, know how to make their way through the maze if there is any sort of unexpected hitch.
Another complication that could arise in Australia is that the legal systems, in regard to property, varies from state to state and even from city council to city council. You would need to be very clued up indeed to sort out which laws are pertinent to you and which are not.
I am sure you would agree that when it comes to one of the major decisions of the average person’s lifetime – buying or selling your property – it definitely does not pay to take risks that could result in huge and sometimes irretrievable financial losses for you.
Apart from the drawing up of the contract, as well as financial arrangements for the property, such as mortgages, liens, etc, the conveyancing lawyer is able to scrutinise the public records and ascertain whether there are any restrictions to the title of the property or the land.
He will also be able to make sure that there is no restriction on the sale, or any later re-sale of the property. It can happen that mineral rights, for instance, are withheld. This may or may not be of concern to you.
There have also been cases where there are historical restrictions on a piece of land, such as existing burial grounds or old wills preventing property from being sold outside a particular family.
Other searches your solicitor will make may include proposed buildings and road constructions that may affect your property. They may investigate the house or other building plans to make sure that everything is registered and approved.
In suspect areas there may even be a need to investigate possible contaminations and test results.
You will need to know whether all taxes, rates and other bills such as electricity and water are all paid and up to date, so that no unpleasant accounts fall due to you when you move into the property.
It is also very helpful to have a good lawyer go over the contract drawn up by your mortgage home loan lender and advise you as to whether everything is fair and in your best interests, or whether you should negotiate better terms, or even look elsewhere for financing.
Your lawyer may be able to give good advice about insurance cover. Although he may not be involved in insurance himself, he ought to know what sort of policies you would be wise to investigate.
In these uncertain economic times with businesses getting into financial difficulties, you could be made redundant and be unable to continue your mortgage payments. Provision should be considered to protect your property in such circumstances.
Then, a final step is probably for you to secure transfer of ownership to your family or whichever preferred person you would like to inherit your property, should you predecease them. This means making sure your will is in order and up to date. Your estate needs to be worked out and provision made in your will for all your wishes to be carried out as you would like them.