Should You Pay Your Speeding Ticket or Initiate a Lawsuit?
Find out when you should likely fight your speeding ticket. Talking to a lawyer can definitely let you know the best decision.
Getting a speeding ticket is often a part of life for many drivers,

and it is considered common. However, for some people, this is a serious issue. Learn when you should consider contacting a lawyer rather than just accepting the citation.
If you have been accused of criminal speeding, you will need an attorney's help. This kind of ticket is usually quite expensive, and can even result in you getting your license suspended. At the very least, your car insurance may be increased in price, and your coverage might even be taken away altogether. Plus, you will have this offense on your driving record, which is not a positive detail you want on there. This is why it is often a good idea to at least get a consultation with an attorney, who can let you know whether your case is worth fighting.
If you have several tickets on your record already, adding one more just might be a serious issue. You can get your license taken away when you get a certain number of points on it, which is accomplished by getting several traffic violations. Therefore, you are advised to find out how many points you currently have. Keep in mind that while traffic school can be a good way to keep points away, you can only take it every couple of years in most states, and not every speeding ticket is eligible for it. This means it is not always the right solution.
Another consequence is that your insurance may increase, even if you have not been given a criminal speeding ticket. Even several minor infractions can result in you getting your insurance coverage cancelled, or at least not renewed by your current provider once you need to buy a new premium. Your provider may at least decide to increase prices for you since you are considered more likely than other drivers to end up in a car crash. If you are worried about this penalty, and cannot afford to pay more in insurance coverage, you need to contact an attorney.
The good news is that most lawyers offer a free first meeting so that you can discuss the details of your speeding ticket. The lawyer can then decide if it is worth your time to pursue a lawsuit. You may find it is best just to pay it if you do not face serious consequences, but you are better safe than sorry in this situation.