The main purpose of a medical power of attorney form also known as a health care power of attorney form, is made to give some one the right to control the decisions relating to your medical care if you can not communicate those decisions yourself.
You can also use a medical power of attorney form to establish additional, non-exclusive means for an individual to exercise his or her right to withhold, withdraw, and give consent to medical treatment. This can include mental health treatment, when you can no longer have the capacity to understand or communicate health care decisions.
Another reason to use a medical power of attorney form to protect your wishes to be left on life support. If no medical power of attorney form is declared your present condition is the only factor is whether the health care agent is given authority to take you off life support, as stated in law with the exact definition under G.S. 90-321 article 90 chapter 321.
Your medical power of attorney form will be effective once your physicians decides in writing that you lack the mental capacity to make health care decisions.
Your health care power of attorney form will not be legal binding until you meet two requirements. You must have two "witnesses" sign the document and you must have the health care power of attorney form notarized by a notary.
Now that you have your health care power of attorney filled out, two witnesses signed it, and you had it notarized then send a copy to your doctor, your family members, your attorney, etc. The original document is your own personal copy, keep it where it can be found. Some suggest you talk with your family and physician about your wishes and have them known and understood before the need arises.
What is a Partnership Agreement?
A partnership agreement is a legal form, which outlines and governs how a partnership will be managed. Having one will prevent any disagreements later on down the road by clearly outlining each person's responsibilities and objectives.How to Get a Durable Power of Attorney
A durable power of attorney is a document that is used as a legal way to appoint some one to act on your behalf if you become incapacitated. To get one you can go down to your county's courthouse and pay a 'print fee' for a copy for one. An even easier way to get one though is by going online and finding a durable POA form you can fill out at home on your PC then print out yourself; theirs many sites out there that offer these kind of fillable forms.Legal Partnership Agreements
A legal partnership agreement is a documented, signed, and notarized agreement between two or more people or entities such as a business. A lawyer is not required to create this document; many people even feel it’s a complete waste of money to pay one. The truth is that any one can easily create their legal partnership agreement inexpensively on their own.