Tractor Trailer Accident Attorney: Standing Up for Your Rights
A tractor trailer accident attorney comes to the aid of anyone involved in a crash where a semi driver was at fault. If you've been in such a crash, you may need to hire some one to stand up for your rights.
A tractor trailer accident attorney comes to the aid of anyone involved in a crash where a semi driver was at fault. In some cases,

the driver himself may be liable for the incident, while in others it may be the fault of the company that employs the driver. In nearly all cases, however, it will be the insurance company covering the truck that will be at the center of the complaint. It is through this insurance company that you will (hopefully) get the money that will cover your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
Offered Settlement:
In cases where the negligence is clear, the insurance company will often contact the victim and make an offer. Unless your medical bills are very minimal and you don't expect to miss work, it is usually not a good idea to accept this offer without at least speaking to a tractor trailer accident attorney. It will certainly be the least amount the company can afford to part with and they are making the offer in an attempt to have you forget about it. Make no mistake - the insurance company is not on your side and they have powerful lawyers of their own. Trying to get a good deal without legal representation is unlikely to be fruitful.
Hiring a Lawyer:
If you aren't satisfied with the offer, if none was made, or if negligence is not clear, you need to talk to a tractor trailer accident attorney and find out where you stand. As most of these lawyers work on a contingency basis (meaning they collect their fee from money recovered from a judgment or settlement), they will probably be very honest with you about your chances going forward. Without any experience, it will be difficult for you to make that determination without setting up a consultation. It may turn out that the settlement you were offered is likely the best deal you're going to get. But in many cases, it may not be.
Moving Forward:
Make sure you keep meticulous records about any financial hardships you're experiencing as a result of the crash. Include medical bills, any lost wages, money to fix your car, and so forth. Anything concrete. These are the records that will primarily determine what you can get out of a judgment or settlement. Sometimes pain and suffering and punitive damages will come into play, but you can't really build a case around those. You need hard facts and figures for your tractor trailer accident attorney to work with.