What exactly is a divorce? In technical legal terms a divorce is the dissolution of a marriage, the formal official dissolution of a marriage. Of course the technical legal description fails to tell the whole story about what exactly a divorce is...
What exactly is a divorce? In technical legal terms a divorce is the dissolution of a marriage, the formal official dissolution of a marriage. Of course the technical legal description fails to tell the whole story about what exactly a divorce is.
To understand what a divorce is exactly, you have to first look at a marriage. In technical legal terms a marriage is the ‘legal binding’ of two individuals to form a contract. Of course, describing a marriage as a ‘legal contract’ is no way to describe a marriage. In practicality, a marriage represents the binding (union) of two lives. It represents the coming together of two lives, a lot of hope, a lot of dreams, and a lot of emotions.
A divorce on the other is hand the exact opposite. It represents the negative (reverse) of most everything that a marriage represents:
Number One: Dissolution Of The Marriage. Again just like we stated above, in technical legal terms the divorce represents the dissolution of the marriage. It is the breaking of a legally binding contract between two consenting parties.
Number Two: Separation Of Two Lives. When a married couple divorces, they will separate (most of the time). The two individuals will then have to make the adjustment from living in a married home to now living in a single home.
Number Three: Broken Dreams. Most every person who marries does so with the intention of building a great future together with their spouse. When divorce happens, those dreams are broken. The broken dreams add to the emotional volatility of the divorce process.
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