Using the Services of a Houston Personal Injury Lawyer
Whoever has ever been seriously injured in an accident knows the importance of obtaining an attorney quickly. Without representation the other party is more than likely either going to deny your claim.
Anyone who has ever been seriously injured in an accident knows the importance of obtaining an attorney quickly. Without representation the other party is more than likely either going to deny your claim or at the very least reduce the amount of compensation you are entitled to. Do not leave your future to chance; instead hire a Houston personal injury lawyer today to help your case.
A Houston personal injury lawyer who specializes in personal injury focuses mainly on physical injuries caused by negligence on the part of another. The typical cases our attorneys will entertain are usually one of the following matters:
• auto accidents,
• slip and falls,
• dog bites,
• Any injury sustained while working or unsafe products.
A Houston accident lawyer may also take on cases that involve physical trauma. Houston accident lawyers bring with them many years of experience in personal injury and are able to determine if the potential for compensation exists.
Before taking on a case,

a Houston personal injury lawyer will first meet with his potential client to see if the case is worth pursuing. Many questions are asked including how the accident happened and if the client has had any prior injuries sustained to the same area of the body.
Once the attorney has met with his client and determined that there is a case against the other party he will then send out for medical records on his client and any accident report previously taken. These medical records are obtained to prove that the injuries sustained meet the threshold to warrant compensation.
A Houston accident lawyer will always try to settle cases out of court first to avoid unnecessary fees to clients. This will often work if the medical records do not reveal any prior injuries and the other party is clearly at fault. There is often a series of negotiations between the attorneys before an agreement is reached.
If the personal injury attorney feels that the settlement offer is fair he will call his client in to discuss the offer and see if his client is willing to accept. The offer will include compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering and permanent physical damage. If his client accepts the offer then a settlement is written and paid. The attorney receives an agreed percentage of the settlement offer.
If the case cannot be settled the attorney will be forced to file a petition with the court naming all parties involved. The court will then summon the other parties to appear on the scheduled court date. This process can take several months depending on the Judge assigned to the case and their schedule.
The case can still be settled if the attorney representing the other party then agrees to settle prior to the court date. If the case does go to trial the attorneys will all get a chance to state their case and bring witnesses and medical records. After deliberation the judge will then decide the outcome.
Do not leave your future in the hands of others. Consult a Houston personal injury lawyer today and avoid being mistreated. A Houston accident lawyer has many years experience in dealing with personal injury. They stand behind clients and give them the ability to obtain a just settlement for their injuries.