What Can Be Found In Court Records
People are curious and like to know everything about everybody, especially the dirtiest details from their life. It's just the way the man has been created. In most cases such a curiosity doesn't give you anything, you just learn a few information and you're satiated. But imagine a sitation when you know somebody who you socialize with and you have a few doubts about him. You can be scared that he's a drug dealer or a sex offended. Would you still desire to keep in touch with him? I doubt you want. In such a sitation your curiosity can lead you to something good which will be veryfing whether the person is worth your time.
The easiest way to learn more details about a person's life is to ask his friends and other people who know him. However,

this is easy only if you have a good contact with them. Otherwise if you start asking questions about somebody with no particular reason, they will get suspicious and will not be eager to reveal anything about him. Especially if they have anything to hide. This the reason why should be extremaly catious when asking questions, since they can raise a red flag.
Second simple method ivolves using internet. It's also easy and effortless but can yield some useful results free of charge. To begin, just login to a few popular social networking sites and try to find the person. You won't believe how many information can you get from just a single profile and pictures posted. It is also wise to check what the person writes and who he associate with. This will give you a more comprehensive picture of the guy.
Last method is the most efficient but can cost you a little. There are specialized companies which offer you a possibility to search court records. These are nationwide databases, so you don't have to be worried that he may lived in a different state and you will not be able to get any information about him. I said this the most efficient because you will be able to learn about even the smallest court case against the person. These are files obtained from the court so you don't have to worry that these are some gossip from the guy's friends. I mentioned that this method is the only paid method for the three which I described. However, you shouldn't worry, becuase the fee for a lookup is very small and you are eligible for a refunds in the case no records were found.