What Is an Action to Quiet Title
To undertake a quiet title action, individuals will need to work with an appropriate title agency or real estate lawyer. Find out what this action means and why it is important.
A quiet title process allows you to purchase a home and have a free and clear title in your name. Often times,

individuals who purchase a property due to foreclosure or other methods do so because they are looking for a discount. However, these distressed properties often have title issues. There are situations where other individuals believe they have rights and will try to take back the property. When that is the case, individuals can easily find themselves battling over property. With this process, though, you can officially silence those who hope to take ownership of the real estate that you have acquired.
Why You Need It
The action of quiet title is a lawsuit or legal action when completed will virtually silence any other person or business's claim to the property you purchase. In taking this action, the individual wishes to stop anyone from trying to take ownership or to make a claim on the title of the property. Once the process is completed, no one else can challenge or make any claims to the title beyond that point.
There are several situations where you may need to file for quiet title action. Commonly, property owners are using these steps as preventative measure. When property is bought at a foreclosure or auction, there could be others who try to lay claim to the property. Even though local governments and others involved in the process take every step occurs to ensure those who have the right to own property do, in fact, have that ability, some individuals may still try to come forward and claim ownership after a sale through a foreclosure or tax auction. Sometimes this is unavoidable, such as unknown heirs. In order to prevent this from affecting your purchase, you may wish to take the action to quiet title.
How to Take Action
Considering the benefits of taking these steps (free and clear title), it is often necessary to contact an attorney to represent you. However, in some situations, you may be able to turn to a title service for additional help. If you are a property investor and purchase real estate frequently, these services can often be costly unless you handle them through a service. These professionals will help you to take the proper action to protect any investment you make.
Buying real estate or other property can be a good deal when you buy through a tax auction or a foreclosure. However, it is often necessary to protect yourself from the claims that others may make. If you buy property without any type of protection, you could lose the property and the money you put into it. To avoid this, you need to clear the title so you can resell the property for maximum profit or keep the property for your own use, secure in the knowledge that there are no other claims. It serves as a way to protect you in the long term.