What to Expect from a Labor Law Attorney

Apr 7


Bruce Markey

Bruce Markey

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A labor lawyer always ensures that the employee finds the right solution for any of the employment-related dispute.


Disputes in the workplace can be extremely distressing and hamper the ability to perform at the job. Along with this,What to Expect from a Labor Law Attorney Articles you also have the fear of losing your job and ending your career. But in all of that, you forget that there is always a solution to every problem. And when it comes to a workplace-related dispute, you can always count on an experienced labor law attorney in Los Angeles who can help you understand your rights as an employee and how to exercise them.

Though many issues can be resolved with one-on-one communication it is always advised to have a labor law attorney in Los Angeles by your side if there is any need of getting any compensation or to keep the violations in check. There are many reasons as to why you would need a labor law attorney as labor law is complicated and has many sides to it. And if you are wondering how a labor law attorney in Los Angeles can help you, here are a few scenarios when you might want to consult.

•    If your employer terminates you on unlawful or illegal grounds

•    If you are looking to file a lawsuit against your employer

•    If your employer is not ready to pay the severance package

•    If you are looking to negotiate the terms of the contract during an ongoing union strike

If you face any of the abovementioned situations at the workplace, without any ado, you need to start looking for your options. Firstly, you can go to the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or any authority equivalent to it and file a complaint if you think that you have been discriminated against at the job. Along with that, you can also talk to the labor law attorney in Los Angeles. The attorney will also help you file the complaint as they know the right agencies to approach and would let you know the time limit that needs to be followed to file the complaint and all the other factors associated with the claim.

Filing for wage and hour claims

The wage and hour disputes are very common in the workplaces when the employer refuses to pay the full compensation that the employee is entitled to. There are instances when the employer demands the employee to work more than the regular hours and then never pays the overtime compensation. If you think that this has happened to you, a labor law attorney in Los Angeles can help you with this situation by filing a wage and hour lawsuit.

There are many aspects of the labor law that these attorneys work with by filing many employment-related lawsuits. The labor law attorney in Los Angeles represents the employee who is looking to file lawsuits against the employer for incidents such as wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, denied benefits, to name a few. Therefore, if you believe that your employer has violated any areas of the labor law, you know where you need to go.