What you must know about child custody?
When it comes to child custody in Boyertwon, PA, there are a few things you need to know. Physical custody and legal custody are two different types o...
When it comes to child custody in Boyertwon,

PA, there are a few things you need to know. Physical custody and legal custody are two different types of child custody. So, before you approach a divorce lawyer, it will be wise to know about the differences between both. More details regarding each kind of child custody in Boyertwon, PA, are given below.
Legal Custody
With legal custody of your kids, being a guardian, you are allowed to make decisions. This means, you can choose the church and the school that your kids will be attending. You are also free to make decisions about their health. In most cases, parents having physical custody of kids are also given the legal custody. However, if only one parent has the physical custody, getting a joint legal custody is also possible.
Physical Custody
This type of child custody is mostly preferred by many parents while getting a divorce. A physical custody determines which parent gets the custody of kids. Mostly, physical custody is equally shared between both parents. Often referred to as a joint physical custody, it proves beneficial when both parents desire to take care of their kids.
Alternatively, a sole custody is one that allows kids to live with a single parent. This only happens when kids' safety is a threat from the other parent. If you feel that your former spouse intends toften hurts your kids, it is the time you need to think about getting a sole physical custody. However, you can go ahead and request for visitation if you want your spouse to meet your children occasionally.
Hire a good and experienced lawyer
When there is a dispute between spouses, it is better to settle things in the court, especially when raising your kids. Before you head to the court, you must know that the judge usually favours the parent having physical custody of the kids. In case of a joint physical custody, your divorce lawyer needs to be highly skilled and experienced. This will increase the odds of the court outcome.
While seeking to get the child custody in Boyertwon, PA, you must look for a lawyer who has relevant experience in the field. Ideally, it is recommended to hire a lawyer who practice in your state. Asking your friends and family for references of lawyers who specialize in divorce and child custody will be a good decision. Before you hire a lawyer, do remember to check their credentials and experience. This will help in increasing your chances of wining the case.