Why You Should Consult with a Motorcycle Accident Attorney
This is an overview on how a motorcycle accident can have harsh consequences for the motorcyclist and why a motorcycle accident attorney can help you with your rights for compensation when you're injured.
Riding may be a freeing experience but it can also be a deadly one. Each year approximately 50,000 motorcyclists are injured in collisions. The most deadly injuries to the motorcyclist are head and chest injuries and the chances of a motorcycle accident being a fatality are far higher than the chances of a car accident being fatal to those involved. What would amount to a small accident with a car,
becomes something bigger when it involves a motorcyclist and the last person who should have to pay for that accident is the victim of it.
Riding a motorcycle can be an enjoyable experience and most people who ride do so responsibly with the proper gear including a helmet and leather to avoid serious injury in the event of an accident. But anyone who has ever ridden also knows that accidents happen and they can happen to even the most skilled rider.
The other driver- drivers in trucks or cars for example don’t always pay enough attention to the motorcyclist around them and as a result they can cause an accident that would be a fender bender with another car but when it involves a motorcyclist, the accident can be far more devastating or even deadly. If you’re a motorcyclist and you’ve been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you need to consult with a motorcycle accident attorney to help you understand your rights.
If you are involved in an accident as a motorcyclist you probably have injuries from laying your bike down and if you are lucky and skilled enough you may have been able to minimize your injuries in the fall but you can’t control your injuries from a car hitting you or sending you out of control and on to the black top. The chances are pretty great that you, and not the other driver, who may have been at fault, will be the one to need an ambulance ride. And unfortunately it is not unheard of for insurance companies to have their representative meet you or your family in the ER to have you sign away your rights for future medical bills and lost wages. An ER settlement offer may look good when you’re in pain and don’t know how you’re going to pay for your medical treatment or bike repairs, but it won’t even begin to compensate you for your real financial losses no matter how good it looks on paper.
A motorcycle accident attorney can help you get the type of offer you deserve from the insurance agency because they know and understand that the damage the other driver inflicted wasn’t on your car’s bumper or glass, it was on you physically. And at the very minimum that means some down time from work and your life, which means you lose income on top of losing your bike, your gear and your mounting medical bills.
Consult with a motorcycle accident attorney if you have been injured and protect your rights and your future.